Day 11 of my 24daychallenge : Happppppppppppyyyyyyyy Thanksgiving - TopicsExpress


Day 11 of my 24daychallenge : Happppppppppppyyyyyyyy Thanksgiving EVERYONE! ........ON a serious note one of my Distributors and sisters in christ faced a terrible tragedy a few mths ago with her husbands death, then this morning God called her sister home this morning! All of you that really know prayer and intercession Please pray for Shavonne Sapp and Family(as if it were you)! If you guys know me you know I preach get your health in order everyday, I pray you hear from the seriousness in my voice and the sincerity in my heart and eyes that you hear me (with your actions)....PLEASE yall please get your health in order now! God promised us long life if we are obedient to his word! I got emotional because last yr this time NOBODY knows what I was facing , and GOD turned things around and now Im in GREAT health, with my family, and Advocare has been that vehicle for me with Financial freedom, Time freedom, & Im in great health! The holidays can be bitter sweet for some but I encourage you guys to think on the blessings your still have and take care of yourself while you can, tomorrow isnt promised to any of us! So if you have ever lost a family member that life was shortened because of there health THIS message is FOR YOU! Lets get healthy, lets get our families healthy, and increase the quality of life! We only have one! Colossians 3:15-17 And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.#ChangeYourMindChangeYourLife #FitForTheKing #24dayChallenge #Detox #Spark #Omegaplex #Probiotic #Catalyst#DontWait#PrayingForTheSappFamily#Advocare
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 21:59:56 +0000

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