Day 11: (or twelve Im loosing count) So you have to have 2 - TopicsExpress


Day 11: (or twelve Im loosing count) So you have to have 2 successful runs from the top to be able to compete, this is for ALL Athletes disabled or not. I had my first run from the top yesterday which I made it down fine, then 2 this morning. My first run was pretty good I smashed my first runs time by 8 sec, but my second run I wiped out hard on turn8 (this is where even the pros flip sometimes) I got a few bumps and bruises but Im fine. The good news is I GOT 2 SUCCESSFUL RUNS FROM THE TOP With literally no time to spare since today was the last day I had to track time to get it right. So with that being said I will be competing tomorrow at the World Cup. On another note so everyone is clear on my competition tomorrow, World Cup rules state that u have to have at least 6 competitors from at least 2 countries to have an official race at the World Cup. They had a very successful World Cup for Paralympians in Park City UT last week but we were right at 6 or 7 Para athletes that were going to compete tomorrow but 2 were injured both on turn 8 where I ate it (one of those guys was the one who won gold in Park City so I dont feel so bad that I wrecked there too) another was Jeff from the group I came up with. He wrecked twice and never got his 2 successful runs in, and another couldnt make it. ALL the officials agreed that they still want all who qualified to still compete tomorrow at the World Cup in an exhibition match to show the world that amputees and people with limb loss or damage CAN COMPETE in this sport. Yes I am disappointed it will have to be an exhibition match but I am a also proud to say that I worked my ass off and MADE IT and I am proud to represent Boise and The USA tomorrow. I am proud also to say that I am the ONLY American to that qualified to compete tomorrow. So many doors are opening, invites to compete in other countries, all the amazing friends Ive made, teammates, coaches, and officials that I consider more family then friend already. I have also conquered fears I ever knew I had. Like going down on a sled at 100 mph head first on ice lol. I couldnt of done this without all of u that supported me, cheered me on, and most importantly donated to make this happen. This is just the begging, the skys the limit. And last but not least thank you to my wife Billy Edney for talking me thru my hard days here. You are my rock and my love and I couldnt of done it without you. So cheer me on tomorrow even from Boise Im going to make my city and my country proud!!! TEAM WILLES TEAM USA!!!!! I got this...... Love u all
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 23:32:35 +0000

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