Day# 12 She reads the Truth: Peter ~ Youversion Plan Grace Keeps - TopicsExpress


Day# 12 She reads the Truth: Peter ~ Youversion Plan Grace Keeps Us Growing and Going There is no more time to waste. You and I stand today in the middle of a life. Behind us lays our past, a unique combination of joys and wreckage, some memories tied to our belt for safekeeping and others we try desperately to leave behind. Each path looks different, but there is much we have in common. Too much time wasted on guilt. Too much time wasted in sin. Too much time spent running when we should be resting, or sitting when we should be doing. Too many days spent insisting on our own way. Too few prayers spoken. Too many lies believed. There is no more time to waste. Chapter 4 begins the way Chapter 3 ends, with Peter pointing to the cross and the blameless, suffering Savior. I imagine us standing there with Peter, gazing into the sky and remembering the image of Christ crucified, feeling the certainty course through our veins that THIS, this changes everything. Then Peter turns, locks his eyes on ours and speaks, slowly and deliberately so we don’t miss it: “Make the rest of your life about this.” Sisters, it is time to stand in the grace of our Savior and reclaim our lives for His glory. It is time to be self-controlled and clear-minded so that we can pray. It is time to keep on loving where others have stopped, to let our love for one another grow deep enough to drown sin and hurt and hate. It is time to be generous without complaining, gracious without resentment. It is time to recognize our gifts and use them, to serve in the way God has equipped us, to do it all by His grace and for His glory. Hear me, friends: This is not just another to-do list. This is not another plate to spin or another mark on the wall to which we will never measure up. This is our life - our real, right-now life - in Christ. Our God does not simply point to our sordid past and say, “Don’t live that way anymore.” No, our God cups our face in His nail-scarred hands and says, “My child, you don’t have to live that way anymore. You are free.” This. This is what matters. There is no more time to waste. God Bless Coach Gretch
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 11:15:23 +0000

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