Day 122: Had a good service yesterday. I spoke on The Law of Good - TopicsExpress


Day 122: Had a good service yesterday. I spoke on The Law of Good Speech. Today I saw a few more changes as the pictures show. One of the changes that I did not take a picture of is conduit in the trenches of the sanctuary floor. The pictures show new additions to the stage. If you are sitting in the congregation looking toward the stage, you will see on the right steps on the side. On the left is a ramp for those who have a hard time with steps. Of course, steps are all around the front. The other picture is from the area of the backstage bathrooms looking at the entryway to the baptistery on the stage. It will be nice to be able to baptize people in the main sanctuary. I am also thankful for the generosity of our sister church, Baseline Christian Center, in Mesa, for their generous donation to help us rebuild. Thank you, Baseline and Pastor Brian Hartman. It may be a few days before I post anything. I am in an all-day training for Mesa PD tomorrow, and then Wednesday I will be out of town until late Saturday night. Remember when Moses was arguing with God about Gods call to him? Let me leave you this thought: But Moses said, O Lord, please send someone else to do it. Exodus 4:13 (NIV) “God, can’t you find somebody else?” Moses was still trying to escape and find reasons and inadequacies that would be proof to God that He had selected the wrong person. Maybe this sounds a lot like us. Many people struggle with accepting the will of God for their lives. And even though God wired us and designed us for the call we cannot see it because we look too much at our own abilities and do not have confidence in His abilities. So God demonstrates to Moses how He was going to take care of the problem. (14) Then the Lords anger burned against Moses and he said, What about your brother, Aaron the Levite? I know he can speak well. He is already on his way to meet you, and his heart will be glad when he sees you. (15) You shall speak to him and put words in his mouth; I will help both of you speak and will teach you what to do. (16) He will speak to the people for you, and it will be as if he were your mouth and as if you were God to him. (17) But take this staff in your hand so you can perform miraculous signs with it. Exodus 4:14-17 (NIV) There are times that we can doubt God’s call on our life so much that God has to talk some sense into us. God made it very clear Who was going to be responsible for the success of this mission. Let me ask you this: are you looking to yourself to make the mission successful or are you looking to God to make it successful? You see, God didn’t call me to be a success; He just called me to be faithful. But if I’m faithful then He will make everything work out just as He planned. And when that happens, then there is success. Be blessed!
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 01:12:20 +0000

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