Day 139 Wednesday The forecast is for rain today. We plan to get - TopicsExpress


Day 139 Wednesday The forecast is for rain today. We plan to get the bus into Athens and explore. We walked Logan around the block, there are a lot of orange, lemon, and grapefruit trees lining the streets, they are still full of fruit, some dropping into the gutter. Such a waste! We take one of the lemons home and so that Jane can make a lemon tart with it. The bus stop is opposite the campsite and we were able to purchase tickets from the reception office. It took around half an hour to reach the centre. There was a street market nearby so we walked along it. There were clothes, household goods, cheeses, olives, vegetables etc. it wasnt as busy as the one in Istanbul and not quite as large, but interesting. At the shopping area there are all the usual array of shops,clothes, shoes household, cosmetics etc. and a few large department stores. We avoid going in any and head instead for a coffee shop. Refreshed, we passed the large market selling meat, fish, veg, honey, nuts and lots of other things. Occasionally the rain pours down but luckily we always seem to be under shelter. At one of the squares there is a row of small shops, almost like a flea market, we walked down it, browsing in the shops, one was selling all things to do with beads. The assistant explained about some of the Christmas/ New year decorations. At New Year its traditional to hang a decoration on your door for good luck, usually they have the forthcoming year number on them, horse shoes are popular as are pomegranates. On New Years Eve when we would bring a piece of coal into the house for good luck here they bring a pomegranate in to the house. We went mad and bought one of the decorations for Dream Catcher, it will look nice on our tree next year. We had lunch in a nice cafe and as the rain was now persistent we headed to the metro station and caught the tube back to the bus, which was waiting at the stop. Back at the campsite we spent the rest of the afternoon and evening catching up on administrative jobs and making some e cards to send.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 06:55:57 +0000

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