Day 15 of Gratitude Practice by THE MAGIC. Magically Heal Your - TopicsExpress


Day 15 of Gratitude Practice by THE MAGIC. Magically Heal Your Relationships WHEN YOU APPRECIATE SOMEONE, THEY PUT THEIR BEST EFFORTS TO GET MORE APPRECIATION. [[[Choose one difficult, problematic, or broken relationship that you want to improve. It doesnt matter whether the person is currently in your life, or if its a past relationship and the person is no longer in your life. Sit down and make a written list of ten things youre grateful for about the person youve chosen. Think back through the history of the relationship, and list the great things about the person or the great things you received from the relationship. => This magical practice is not about who is right or wrong. No matter what you feel someone has done to you, no matter what someone said or didnt do, you can magically heal the relationship, and you dont need the other person in order to heal it. There is gold in every relationship, even the difficult ones, and to bring riches to all your relationships and your life, you have to find the gold. As you dig and discover a nugget of gold, write it down, address the person by name, and express your sentence in gratitude: Name , Im grateful for what? . 1. Paul, Im grateful, for our time together. While our marriage did end, I learned a lot, I am so much wiser today, and I use what I learned from our marriage in many of my relationships today. 2. Paul, Im grateful for everything you did to try and make our marriage work, because ten years of marriage means you did try. 3. Paul, I am grateful to you for our children. The joy I receive from them every day could not be without you. 4. Paul, Im grateful to you for the hard work and long hours you put in to support our family, while I was at home taking care of our children. It was a big responsibility to ave all of us dependent on you, so thank you. 5. Paul, I am grateful to you for the precious moments I had with our children as they grew up. I got to see our children talk and walk for the first time, and I know you didnt have that opportunity. 6. Paul, Im grateful for your support when I went through a difficult time of grief or loss. 7. Paul, Im grateful to you for the times when I was sick, and you did your best to take care of me and my children. 8. Paul, Im grateful for the great times we had, and we did have money. 9. Paul, Im grateful that you want to continue to be a father to our children. 10. Paul, Im grateful for your support and the time you want to give to our children. I know they mean a much to you as they do to me. By the time youve finished your gratitude list of ten things, you should feel much better about the person and the relationship. The ultimate point you want to reach is where you dont have any bad feelings towards the person anymore because its your life that is harmed by those feelings. Every relationship is different, and if need be, you may choose to repeat this magical practice over several days until you reach the point where you dont have any bad feelings towards the person anymore. => Magic Practice Number 15 Magically Heal Your Relationships 1. Count Your Blessings: Make a list of ten blessings. Write why youre grateful. Reread your list, and at the end of each blessing say thank you, thank you, thank you, and feel as grateful for that blessing as you can. 2. Choose one difficult, problematic, or broken relationship that you want to improve. 3. Sit down and make a written list of ten things youre grateful for about the person youve chosen. Write it down in the following way: Name , Im grateful for what? . 4. Just before you go to sleep tonight, hold your Magic Rock in one hand, and say the magic words, thank you, for the best thing that happened during the day.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 09:23:58 +0000

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