Day 156-"FEAR" Sucks the Life From Us Instantly? We ended - TopicsExpress


Day 156-"FEAR" Sucks the Life From Us Instantly? We ended yesterday with, if I am not mistaking, we ended it with the importance of understanding completely holistically not being personal or prejudice when one is looking to perceive something whole as it is and not what one wants it to be. I think we should go into this morning and talk over together the question of fear. One is sure you understand this question because we all are so full of fear. All kinds of fear about all kinds of different things. But we are not interested in the various numbers of fears that one has but more the nature and root of fear itself. You follow, I am sure this will interest you? You probably will say that all that has been said is very intellectual, this is and automatic saying for us, but it is not intellectual. The intellect is necessary just as emotions are necessary but when one predominates the other then the trouble begins. So can we talk over together fear, together, do you understand together? Exploring together what is the cause, the nature and whether it can “end” completely? Or must we carry on living the rest of human existence trapped in fear? If one is aware at-all conscious we have many many fears. Fear of the dark, public opinions, of how you look, what your neighbor might say, scared of death, life, not knowing, being alone, fear of lose, fear of your wife/husband/girlfriend or boy friend, fear of not being secure, of losing that security, the list is endless, so many fears. Why haven’t we solved these fears? You have so called solved the problem of war, which is to continue war, and we have applied our brains to prepare for war. All the vast generals of thousand of sides they all are preparing for wars. All the armaments that we have invented fighter planes, submarines, battle cruises, aircraft carriers, helicopters and all the rest we have exercised our brain to produce all of this. So why haven’t that same brain applied itself to this enormous fear that humankind has from the beginning of days? Which means why have you and the writer have not gone into this question seriously as you do seriously when you are hungry, ambitious and when you want more money you work at it. Why have we not gone into this question of fear the same way? The psychologist and therapeutics have explained the cause of it in different ways if we could put aside all that they have said because after all what they have said may be merely verbal; they’re probably as scared as you? I have met several of them and they are scared just like you of something or another. For give me if psychologist are viewing this but it is a fact. Now have we not solved this question? Whether it is possible to “end” fear, we will go into that. Apply your brains, feelings and emotions to work at this, don’t just follow what the writer is saying go into it for your self, step back from reading and go into it then come back and read more! Not to escape from it or try to rationalize it but to see why we have allowed ourselves to become incapable of ending fear? What is the real question is it not what is fear? What is fear? And we know when there is fear so what is the nature of this thing how does it throbs? How the physical organism shrinks if the face of fear? How the brain becomes addled almost paralyzed, fear sucks the life out of you quickly! You all know this right? Is the writer describing something abnormal? This is a fact it affect your daily life, sleep, it brings suspicion, anxiety, depression, you can’t focus, everything goes out the window and life can become unbearable, you cling to something hopping that it want bring fear, as one have observed as the writer, he is not making this up. Now we can deal with the root of fear or we can trim the branches of fear? Which would you rather do, please one is asking this seriously don’t neglect what the writer is asking? Would you prefer to trim the branches, which are a thousand fears dealing with the expressions and outside surfaces or would like to go into the root of this thing called fear? Personally the writer doesn’t want to trim the branches, which is so futile. So lets together find out what is the cause of fear? You see we know all the expression of fear but if we can find the root of it the expressions can wither away. So what is the causation of fear? If one asked you that question would you answer it, the cause? Or do you expect someone to explain the cause of it? The explanation of a fear is not fear. You may paint a marvelous picture but the picture is not the actual thing. The word fear is not fear but the word fear may evoke fear. What the writer is getting at here is that we are not dealing with the word but the depth and strength of fear. We are trying to find out together not I explain and you accept but together find out for our selves so that you discover it there fore it is your truth and not somebodies else truth. You can’t live with somebodies else’s truth you can only live with truth. So what is the cause of it, the cause, is it thought, is it time. Lets look at it is it thought? One is living now and thought says I might die tomorrow or I may loose my job, I have my money in the bank but the bank may fail, I am alright with my wife but she may find someone else tomorrow, I have written a book and I hope it will be a great success which means fear, I want to be known which is the most childish thing in the world, I want to be known and there is some one who is known much more then I am. You following all this? There is this thinking that I might loose or gain, I might be lonely? So thinking is one of the factors of fear, one may be all right with their friends; my wife and my children but I also know from experience the sense of desperate loneliness. Don’t you the viewers know this? A sense of deep frightening loneliness and I am afraid. Have you the viewers ever examined loneliness and why it has it cause, don’t you have this sense of loneliness or is the writer saying something abnormal? Unh? So what is this loneliness that causes attachment, to hold on to something no matter how illusory or fantasized, imaginary it might be or meaningless. We hold on to our wives, husbands, girlfriend and boyfriends, priest, jobs no matter how abusive the boss is, your club, friends, guru, mentor, you follow. Why do we put our selves through such pain? Is it because if you let go you become utterly lonely? Have you ever gone into that question why human beings are so frightened of loneliness? They may live with a group, or follow some guru and all of that nonsense but they are still trapped in this deep sense of loneliness, trapped, strip them of there decorations and they are what they are lonely. What is loneliness? Not to have any relationship with anything! A friend, woman, nature, husband, child, animals, the person that you have lived with all these years all of that some how has left/withdrawn and you are left empty and lonely. What is this feeling of utterly despair? I will explain but the explanation is no the fact. The word is not the thing, if this becomes very clear that the word is not the thing, you Mr. Smith is not the thing the word is not you, so explanation is not the reality the truth. Can we look at it without the word, the word loneliness? To look at that feeling without using the word lonely or despair? Can or will you do it? Loneliness comes when all of our days are spent in self-centeredness. The very activity of self-centeredness is producing loneliness. You follow? Because it narrows the whole vast existence of life into a small little ME/SELF/EGO/I/PERSONA. And when you realize that there is this feeling and sense of how lonely I am. “LIFE AND LIVING IS VAST, IMMEASURABLE AND WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT YOUR SELF ALL YOUR LIFE YOU CUT THE CONNECTION!” The thing is to face it and be with it completely and not move away from it. Then there is a radicle change. Now we must come back to the question of fear, we said that thought is one of the causes of fear this is obvious right? One is thinking about loosing there job, this hasn’t happened you are just thinking about it, you follow? Or take death, you are thinking about it because you are getting older and you saw a hearse go by with all of it flowers, horses and buggies, cars, (WHAT A CIVILIZED WORLD THIS IS). So do you see this obvious fact that thought is one of the causes of fear? Stick with me now also time is a factor of fear, one is afraid of what might happen, might, future/tomorrow. You follow? Now time and thought is the root of fear. There is no division between thought and time, thought is time. The question is, time is necessary to go from here to there and thought is necessary to take the bus, drive a car so at that level time and thought is necessary. But inwardly psychologically do we need time and thought at-all? As long as you think that time and thought are necessary inwardly psychological world, the world inside the skin, the world of the self, the world of the psyche then you will be perpetually in fear. If you perceive that, if there is a perception that thought and time are the root of fear, perception not acceptance, then when you see that time and thought is necessary in the physical world only and not necessary inwardly psychologically, there fore you are watching then the brain is actively watching itself. Watching itself every second too see that thought and time never enters into its realm. This require great attention and awareness so that the brain that has accumulated fear for centuries or for one day that brain see where thought and time is necessary and not necessary, which means it is watching like a hawk. SO THAT TIME AND THOUGHT NEVER ENTERS INTO THE WHOLE PROCESS OF LIVING! THIS IS REAL DISCIPLINE AND LEARNING AS WE EXPLAINED THE OTHER DAY, that word discipline means the root meaning of that word is disciple a disciple is one of learns, who is learning and never says I have learnt, they are always learning all the time, the brain is active, alert, watching. Our difficulty is that we search the world over looking for answers to what all of this means, but we never directly question our selves deeply with strong burning questions that demand that we answer them. The human being that holistically completely discovers what fear is will be the real free human that needs nothing from no one, not a thing. Which is real freedom. REMEMBER-TOGETHER! SO PLEASE SHARE and SHARE A LIKE!
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 00:16:45 +0000

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