Day 16 of the Entirely Doable 30 Day Writing Challenge. As you - TopicsExpress


Day 16 of the Entirely Doable 30 Day Writing Challenge. As you may know, if you’ve been reading along, the 30 Day Writing Challenge is part of a bigger game that I have been playing for the last sixteen days and will continue to play for at least the next fourteen. In it I have set up a number of different rituals meant to energize and inspire and elevate my vibration. After listening to an Abraham-Hicks recording yesterday, I decided it might be fun to add one more. The exercise I decided to add is one that I have practiced before, but I haven’t done it with daily regularity for quite some time, and I find, if you are in the right place to do it, it can be highly uplifting, and really help set a positive tone for your day. The exercise is called ‘The Book of Positive Aspects’. The objective is to have a journal dedicated exclusively to recording the positive aspects of people, places, or things that are already in your life, with the intention that in so doing, you will attract more, similar, delightful things into your life, all the while enhancing your awareness of the good that already fills your life. In my case, this time around, I am typing them out on my laptop, rather than a journal. I’m keeping an ongoing document of my daily writings, which should be helpful on those days when I might be experiencing a bit of contrast, or feeling a little less upbeat than usual, a simple reading might be just enough to raise my spirits. So far, I have been typing out two full pages each day, each one on a separate person, place or thing in my life. Today I wrote about Halifax, the city in which I live, and all the things that make it amazing. I also wrote about my good friend Renee, who is a pure delight. It’s probably best to start these pages with topics you feel good about – or at least neutral about. Don’t dive in trying to write a list of positive aspects about your partner when you are in the middle of the argument! Chances are that won’t do much good. Instead, in that situation, you might withdraw your attention from your partner and the disagreement at hand to focus on things that it is very easy for you to find positive aspects about – your puppy perhaps, or the place you love to vacation. Although it can be a bit time consuming, I am definitely enjoying this process, and I find it does help to set a positive tone for my day. Isn’t it interesting how even in our figures of speech we talk about ‘tones’ and ‘resonance’? Do you think there might be something to this vibration thing after all?
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 13:59:11 +0000

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