Day 165-We Must Be A Light To OurSelf? Are we sufficiently - TopicsExpress


Day 165-We Must Be A Light To OurSelf? Are we sufficiently earnest in giving our time, mind, heart and energy to finding out this cause of all this mess that we are in? Not how to meditate or what is yoga and all of that business it all comes much later? This is where we left off yesterday, is it okay with you that we take up where we left off? But this is far more important then all of that because if you can find that cause it is an ending to that cause. If there is a discovery of the cause of sorrow in every human being in the world then that sorrow can be ended. Why is there so much conflict between human beings, what is the cause of it? When the cause is discovered then it can be ended, not through time. When one take time to find out abut the cause, take a week to meditate about it or thinking about it discussing it pondering over it, that is again allowing time to discover the cause. Please follow this our brains are the result of time which is evolution from the tiny cell to this enormous complex human being. It has taken thousands of year to arrive at this state that we are at which is time. The problem is that we think in terms of time psychologically, how can one find out the cause and now we will spend time discussing it. Or can one be free of time and observe? Would you the viewers admit that your brain is the result of time? You follow? And this process is not your petty little brain it is the brain of humanity which suffers, designs, calculates, creates images, creates gods the whole thing is common to all of us. Time is the patterns in which the brain lives and pursues. Observe your own brain how it act and thinks watch and see for your self? The writer is not a specialist on the brain and the scientist are investigating matter and through matter they are trying to find the ultimate. We are matter, our brains are matter so the scientist goes outside to investigate and they don’t begin with them selves. Do you understand what the writer is saying? If they went through them selves they would come upon something that is fantastically ultimate beyond all time. But this requires tremendous observation and energy of one self to that. But no one wants to do that; we are so lazy and superficial. That is because it is not popular and it brings you nothing that other can see and recognize no money, no position, no power, no fame or status, you get it right? So you see it is only through one self, which is the matter, that one can come upon that thing that is the beginning of all things. So we are asking what is the way and manner to find out the cause of all of this? Or are there several causes, one causal may be that humankind concurring the environment and gradually building them selves in the idea that they are separate and stands alone we being individuals against other individuals. May be this idea, continuing concept of individuality is the cause? Or may be we can see that it may be this tremendous psychological knowledge? This is quite difficult so please go into it carefully? We have gathered knowledge with in the last 20/30/50 years as a separate individual, my experience, my belief and my consciousness. Or it is none of them? Is this becoming to difficult or abstract, but it is not abstract it is not something that you read in a book an then you put it aside, this is not something that some philosopher has put together this is something actual. That you can face now if you so desire? These are no concepts or ideas they are actualities of our daily life. Which is so enormously complex or the cause may be I am not telling you; you have to go into it for your self, or is it the beginning of thought? Please go into it carefully? Is this spreading complex quality of humankind his behavior, vanity, terrible cruelty to everything, is the cause thought? Thought and knowledge goes together and knowledge is always compounded in ignorance, which means that knowledge can never be complete, whole that is it is always in the shadow of ignorance. This is logical right; there is no complete knowledge about anything. It doesn’t matter what it is about computers, your wife, husband, job, children it doesn’t matter. So this is that knowledge is always incomplete. Now is thought which is the child of knowledge the cause? One has to exercise thought when you drive a car; you have exercise thought when you are doing your business whether in the office, in the fields attending the crops, factory. Whatever one does physically one must have knowledge. Psychologically is knowledge necessary at-all? So is the origin cause of all this existence with all its chaos, misery, confusion, brutality, uncertainty and insecurities and all the rest is thought the cause? Please take your time and look at it carefully? You see if thought is the cause of it then thought can be ended. You follow? Where there is a cause there is an end, where there is a beginning there is ending? You follow now? If you are a smoker there is cause and you can end it. So similarly if thought is the cause of this state of the world then that can be ended and with that ending there is a new beginning. Totally different from that which thought has put together. So is thought the cause of all this? Would like the writer to go into all this not for you to follow, but for you to go into with the writer, so we together go into it? The write is not a guru, leader, philosopher please for the sake of sanity do no put me in that category, no category at-all for that matter. The writer has gone into this all of his life and has come to a point where he has found-found the cause of all this and meditation is only when you have discovered the cause and the ending of that cause only then does meditation begins! Forgive me for pointing this out but meditation is not what you are all doing. Trying to concentrate, follow systems, patterns they are not meditation. Meditation comes naturally when you have finished with all of the cause. “The function of the writer without doing propaganda, any vanity, is let us walk together and find out?” “Lets walk together on the same road, path not your path and my path but the path of intelligence which is not yours or the writers.” The discovery of that cause is intelligence, when that cause is discovered there is that supreme intelligence which in its very nature is “compassion” and “love”! So we are asking one question perhaps there is no other cause but this one cause “thought”! Humankind has never went into this question of thought they are just beginning may be for the last 10/20 year they have been wondering what is all the “thought” fuss about. The scientists are starting to enquire and the ancient Hindus have gone into this up to a certain point and stop to go somewhere else. But we ordinary common people with are daily anxieties, fears, attachments, grief, pains we are asking this question? Is all of this the result of thought? Thought includes feelings, sensations, the pleasure, the fears, all of that is apart of thought and if thought has created all of this in this world some of it with great beauty the marvelous cathedrals, the poems, literature, mosque, temples but what is inside of them are put there by thought. You see what we are saying is that if thought is the cause of this chaos then thought can end and something totally new can begin. And this is your responsibility has an human being not an individual but a human being who is in the Arabic world, the Hindu, Asiatic, west, Americas, east that human being is asking this question? Is that the cause and if it is how can that cause be dissipated and a total revolution not the communist or terrorist. So what is your responsibility and what’s your answer to that questions the ball is your court. So how will you answer this question together? Doing all of these talks and accounts we will help each other to find out, right? For you to find it out so that you are not a follower and so that you have no authority over you to tell you what to think and what to do! Then and only then you are a complete human being! I think that this will do for this morning, what do you think? REMEMBER-TOGETHER! SO PLEASE SHARE and SHARE A LIKE
Posted on: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 00:05:55 +0000

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