Day 166-We So Impatient with Ourselves And Another? May we talk - TopicsExpress


Day 166-We So Impatient with Ourselves And Another? May we talk about what we were talking about yesterday, we were saying that human beings have evolved for millions of years, evolution implies time. Not only physical time but inwardly psychological time humankind has grown from the very existence of time through various experiences, calamities, accidents, fears, anxieties and so on. Our brains have evolved in that direction and I think that no one can dispute that point? So the brain has form a pattern a mold according to the way it lives, this pattern mold is according to the process of time, which is called evolution. So the brain and the mind which both are the same can never be free. Please if one may we are thinking together this is not propaganda or persuading you to think in any particular direction. We are trying to find out together why human being are living the way we are living though we have had millions of years of experiences, sorrows, fears, terror and so on. We were asking yesterday why and what is the cause of all this terror, misery, confusion and uncertainty? Now we were saying that one of the causes may be that from the beginning humankind has sort security? Security in the environment and inward psychological security. That may be one of the causes of this present calamity? Also we said that it might be that during all of these evolutionary times humankind has cultivated the idea of individuality? The “me” and the ”you”, the ”me” struggling and fighting against “you” to survive and this may be one of the reasons of this present misery, confusion and terror. And we said that one of the major causes might be thought it self? We also pointed out where there is a cause there can also be and end to that cause. I think that this we should clearly understand right from the beginning? Because a cause, a beginning, a motive, which has it own affect and that causation can continue all the time and that cause can be ended, this is quite obvious if you go into it for your self. As we said yesterday if you have pain there is a cause for that pain and that cause can be ended. Similarly psychologically there might be a cause for our sufferings, anxieties, fears and so on? The law is if there is a cause it can be ended, this is a law of nature. So we asked yesterday what is the basic cause of all of this confusion? Is it one cause or several causes? One doesn’t know if you have gone into it or if you have given your attention to it to find out for your self but as we go along perhaps we will be able to find out the one cause or several causes? Now if there are several causes for our misery is it possible to analyze these causes, please go together with me we are thinking together I am not telling you what to think? We are not doing any kind of propaganda or persuading you in any kind of direction because we must be free to observe and find out. There fore there is no authority, group, sect, or person who will tell you. We have to be so alert for ourselves so that we can find out? You see what we are saying are there many causes for this misery or is there just one supreme cause which includes all other causes? You following this? We said one of the causes might be this constant desire for security, to be safe, to be protected, to feel that one is stable and without any uncertainty? We also said that the idea or patterns of humankind always thinking of them self as an individual, separate from the whole of humanity? There fore we have built this wall of division between our self and the rest, which we call unique, and this might be one of the causes? The other causes might be thought it self? Humankind his brain and mind has been molded through time, through what is called evolution for millions and millions of years. So you see time has not given us freedom, we might be free outwardly we can go from one country to next, to one job to the next, business to business, from on woman or man to another, this is only physically in the democratic society certainly not in the totalitarian society. But inwardly psychologically the mind, which includes the brain, has been molded through time, which is evolution. There fore humankind is never free and it might be one of the reasons that humankind has made them selves a prisoner psychologically so this means that there is no freedom for humankind to flower? Are we meeting each other, please if I may ask we are thinking together? You have to exercise your brain, mind and heart to find this out? Because if we don’t we are going to destroy each other? This is what is happening in the world one nation becoming more important then the other. I wonder if you understand the craziness of spending four hundred million dollars in war every year! Now are you aware of the brain and mind, which is one, has never been free? And with out psychological freedom humankind cannot flower. It would be impossible to go beyond himself or herself. And even this may be one of the major causes of our confusion because inwardly we are not free we have been molded through time to a certain patterns. If you have observed your own mind and brain in operation one can see very clearly that we have repeated a certain pattern and walked along a certain path for millions of years. We have been brain washed by the priest for two thousand year and in the east 3-4 thousand years and probably more. This means that our brains are conditioned, our brains are molded according to certain edit sanctions, sanctions by the teacher, philosophers, priest and the priest acting between you and the so call higher what ever you call it. Please in no way is the writer pessimistic or optimistic about any of this. These people were the savior and perhaps it was a good thing at one time the ancient Egyptians and the ancient eastern civilizations but now that kind of thing has become rather infantile. Okay what is the cause of all this, humankind technologically, scientifically and intellectually in all of those direction has evolved enormously we have become extraordinarily clever, capable, adroit not only to kill each but too heal each other medicine, surgery and all the rest. We said yesterday that science through matter is trying to find the ultimate? That is through matter outside the body investigate and investigate accumulating a great deal of knowledge about the outer and trying to hope that through that they will find the origin of all this. The religious people say that there is god and he created this world. That god must be a rather confused, corrupted god to make this world as it is. Or you have your own particular pet theory about the origin of all this intellectually conceived and intellectually comprehending the many philosophers, the theologians, the theoreticians, communist as well as the Christian theologians which you have conclusion, opinions and judgments. So you see if you really want to find the origin of all this one must set aside everything of all that. This is an obvious thing and this demands a certain quality of strength of perception but also very carful observation not analysis again analysis is the pattern of time. We have analyzed things to death outside of us and the psychotherapist, psychologist and philosophers has analyzed our minds. They have come to certain conclusion and concept and we are conditioned by these people conclusion and concepts. To find the original cause of this entire mess one must be free of all that. Because how else can you see something new and fresh if you still locked up in the old ways of seeing and perceiving something. Its like looking through a window that has been covered in mud you see the mud and that its, it’s impossible to see the new on the other side. Freedom is when the psychological structure the brain/mind is free from all the patterns and molds, impositions that are on our minds and hearts. If you are serious at-all and one hopes that you are serious enough to go into all of this to find out for your self? One needs a great deal of patients, impatient is time and patient is not time. Patients mean observation close, step-by-step, critical carful observation. That is what real patients is and in that observation there is no time but if you are impatient to get on then you are running ahead without understanding the beginning. REMEMBER-TOGETHER! SO PLEASE SHARE and SHARE A LIKE
Posted on: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 21:11:57 +0000

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