Day 17 After Dick died I found myself with loose ends. Amy - TopicsExpress


Day 17 After Dick died I found myself with loose ends. Amy convinced me that I needed a dog. Now I dont have such a good track record with dogs. When married to Jerry, Pepper his dog, hung himself. He thought he was a cat and would climb the fence. So when I put him outside for some sunshine I would tie his leach to the clothesline. This particular day He decided to go and procreate and climbed the fence. This is where it eventually became my fault. I should have measured the leach so he couldnt get to the fence and certainly not over. Bless his heart I dont know how long he hung there but when the kids came in from school, Amy runs in the house with Pepper is hanging over the fence. Of course I immediately ran out and began to pull him back up with the chain. When I got him back in our yard I began trying to find a heartbeat. Leigh Anne cries give him mouth to mouth! Not gonna happen so I sent her in the house for a cold towel. She comes back with a beach towel and a pool full of water absorbed in it. I wrapped the dog up and started to massage him. Still no signs of life. As a last ditch effort, I had Amy bring me a water hose. I put the spout in his mouth and flushed the bejesus out of him and he took one big gulp, got up and ran back into the house. Now most people would think that should end this saga. Not! A few weeks later, I am outside cleaning out the car. The sweeper cord would not reach so I had to reposition the car I put the car in reverse and ran over what I thought was Jeffs tricycle. So I put the car in drive and ran over the bike in order to loosen it from my bumper. Wouldnt you know that bike was Pepper! How in the world did he get outside?! Obviously the dog was in a lot of pain. I got a throw out of the car and wrapped the dog up, called the Sheriffs office for Jerry only to find her was out of communication range. So I called his good buddy Jimbo. Who flat out refused to tokill Jerrys dog. No way. Eventually Bill Keck showed up but the dog had already died. He wanted to get rid of the dog before the kids got there, so I supplied a garbage bag and off he went. That night Jerry and his parents were beside themselves, as were the kids of course. I cant believe you killed my dog. I think Jimbo was right. By the next weekend we were on our way to Gulley Bridge to get a new puppy, Baron Von Fitzgerald. Fritz of course. But that still was not the end of the story. A few days passed and I got a telephone call from Hecks Department Store that they had found my dead dog and were fining me 500$s. Keck took the dog to the closest dumpster and not a shallow grave. When they found out who had done the dastardly deed the fine was rescinded. Fritz would remain a protected species until our divorce( could be)and Jerry and Cheryl got married. He wasnt too fond of the fact Jerry was gone and would pee on anything that was mine. Remember Karma. To say I am not much of a pet owner is almost redundant, so to say I was reluctant is obvious. But that sweet face convinced to give it a try. Amy was right, because this sweet, cute ball of fur came into my life and made being alone so much more bearable. She keeps me busy and is most definitely a lap dog. I dont leave a room or sit down without her by my side. She is my baby. You would never make me believe I would be so over the moon about a dog. She is a 9 lb., grey fuzzy haired Peek-a-pooh who loves me unconditionally. Thank you Amy Rebecca Waugh-Wilson for finding her for me and thank you Dicksee for all the love.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 19:05:14 +0000

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