Day 17. Knoxville - Nashville. Its been raining. Raining so bad - TopicsExpress


Day 17. Knoxville - Nashville. Its been raining. Raining so bad that I didnt have much to say as I felt like a homeless puppy being left in the rain. Which I was. But stuff has been happening, oh yes. Upon departing Knoxville it started to pour down hard. Even though I have sourced myself a full-on astronaut costume - riding in the rain still doesnt feel the greatest. You know. Mechanically wiping the rain of my eyesight I notice a kiosk on the other side of the road. Bright yellow advertising board screams - Baby Back Ribs. Now, The South is famous for many things but ribs stand firmly in the top 3 amongst guns and churches. Having experiences the later two - I turn Splinter around for some ribs, since everyone I met was telling its a must have. 6 ribs apparently is a half portion so I take that and a baked potato with butter and cream. Would you like bacon on top?, ammm, OK. Next to me, waiting for his order stands an nice looking old chap and we start talking. His southern accent is so beautifully thick I cant help but smile. His ribs arrive and after a pleasant chat we say our goodbyes. Minutes later I see him coming back to me in the rain with some folded A4s in his hand. His hands gently shacking as he starts, Bakas, I love Jesus. I love Jesus so much I couldnt help myself but to share him with you. See my wife there just wants me to take her to the city shopping but I told her she will have to hang loose. He opens up the page one of his sheets and continues his mission. On January 17, 1992 I was in my garage fixing a lawnmower when Jesus spoke to me for the first time. He spoke so clear I had to drop everything, pick up a pen and write it down as fast as I could. Jesus gave me 4 songs, I want you to choose one and I will sing it to you. Barely containing the joy seeing someone so beautifully devoted, I choose a song number 4 - Jesus on my mind. Old Spencer Whalen Jr. takes of his hat and starts singing.. Ribs were ok.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 22:18:33 +0000

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