Day 18 of MS Awareness... I am not sure how to state this - TopicsExpress


Day 18 of MS Awareness... I am not sure how to state this without completely hurting everybodys feeling (including my own) but Damn. This disease sucks. I post awareness posts to those who are so fully aware of it, I am singing with the choir. Those who dont have it, or are not intimately involved with it (parent, significant other, child, sibling, etc), will probably not even read this past this first sentence of the first post. Why would they, it doesnt affect here is something that will affect them. You cant Handle the TRUTH! Those diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis has on average a life span of about 3 to 4 years shorter than that of a healthy human. That means that in about 30 years (I am 31) I should start my bucket list. In 20 years, I need to start paying for a cementary plot or finding out which medical facility I want to donate my body to. In 10 years, I should start doing my research on facilities that can take care of me when family and friends no longer are able -or willing- to deal with my and my disease, and all the BS that comes with it. In 5 years, I will be relying more on my own children, and husband to take care of me, instead of me them. That means my then 11 and 12 year old daughters will be helping me with shampooing my hair, doing laundry, cooking, cleaning, possibly even getting a hard ship license so that I have a ride to the doctor when I cant drive myself. My husband will also have to do these things, and work on top of that. I will be so frustrated from remembering what I used to be able to do, and being shown constantly what I no longer can. This means I will, more often than not, be grumpy, highly difficult to deal with, and less likely to see the outside of my home and doctors office than I do right now. So stating all of this , yeah, I am going to smile a shit load right now. I am going to laugh at EVERYTHING I find funny. I am going to do until I literally cant do anymore. Yup, this is me acting like I am not in agony, because I can handle (barely) the 6 I am at. I AM NOT SICK, I am filled with antibodies rushing through my blood supply trying to overwhelm my body like microscopic Terminators that are out to destroy my brain and spine. I am fully aware of this battle, and so is every other person out there with this disease. The truth... it is that YOU, the non-sick person -the Muggle- are awesome in your ability to do what ever the hell you want when ever the hell you want with whomever the hell you want. But before you move on, stop and think for a minute when you are finished reading this... what would you do if you were told you have something, that has no known cause, no medication that can regulate the MS perfectly, that most medications cause a HELL OF A LOT MORE PROBLEMS THAN CONTROL, and that from this point on... numero uno is about as reliable as an infant forecasting the Apocalypse? After you think about this... for that brief 60 seconds out of the 86,400 that you get in a day, start being a bit more helpful to those around you. You cant see every problem of every person, so dont assume that the person in front of you is a capable as you are. Just be a good human and help others, without asking, without having a reason. Dont expect praise; do not even expect a thank you. You might not get it. But what you will get, is knowledge that today you helped another person...and that person may have been me. Here is my thanks to you in advance... Thank You! Stay tune for the next 13 days.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 18:46:12 +0000

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