Day 19 of #yogasutrachallenge YS 1.19 Bhavapratyayo videha - TopicsExpress


Day 19 of #yogasutrachallenge YS 1.19 Bhavapratyayo videha prakrtilayanam – Those who merely leave their physical bodies and attain the state of celestial deities, or those who get merged in Nature, have rebirth We touch here to the big philosophical question that is reincarnation. To reach Samadhi and be fully liberated it requires hard work, and we may not be able to reach that state in our own lifetime. But all the efforts we will engage won’t be lost, as we will rebirth to pursue our learning. Remember that nothing is lost in the Universe; when something or someone disappears, it just means that it goes back to its more elemental form until it takes a new form. Patanjali refers here to the controllers of Nature (Videhas) and to the Masters of Nature or Gods of Nature (Siddha Purusha). If we die before reaching the first state of Samadhi, we are said to be a Controller of Nature. We may have not reached Samadhi, but we have learnt to control the element of Nature (Prakriti). On the contrary if we die having reached liberation, then we become a God of Nature. Whatever we become, we will have to come back to deepen our learning. A God of Nature is then a human who has gained control over the Nature and has reached a state of enjoyment of these elements. I really like this concept where whoever we are we still need to learn and study; it’s like even if we reach the highest state that doesn’t mean we are superior to others, we are just given more knowledge but we still need to keep practicing, as everyone else. Reincarnation is narrowly linked to Karma. Although it means “action”, Karma refers to selfless action – the actions we do without expecting any rewards or attachments to the outcome. Practicing Karma is very beneficial if we are looking to dissociate ourselves from the Ego; our identity in this act is lost and only the action itself remains. Karma is based on the principle upon which intents and actions of an individual influence his future; if we do good it will bring happiness, otherwise we will experience suffering. There is a wicked short movie that illustrates this perfectly (https://youtube/watch?v=CnbvQLMusY4)! And this concept of Karma is important, as it will determine what we will reincarnate into. If we have spent our life acting in the wrong way, behaving poorly, being mean etc., then we will pay it in the next lifetime. We get what we deserve in every life, and our good and bad deeds produce good and bad results from lifetime to lifetime. Humans are the most evolved form of life and it’s the only form we can experience to liberate ourselves. Rebirth through a human form is a privilege, and only those who have tried to learn and master the Nature will access it. Otherwise we may reincarnate in animals or who knows in what! Wherever we start, we are the result of our past lives; but that doesn’t mean that this lifetime will be the same or worst. It’s our choice to decide whether we want to be a good person or selfishly focus on ourselves; like everything you get in life, what goes around comes around, remember that! And do not forget that the outcome doesn’t matter; only the journey matters, so as long as we keep trying, whether we succeed or not, we will become someone better. #yogasutrachallenge #trueyogacollective #natalieyoga
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 16:48:50 +0000

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