Day 2: #ButlinsMinehead Evening all! You’ll notice that - TopicsExpress


Day 2: #ButlinsMinehead Evening all! You’ll notice that today’s epistle is earlier than usual - this is for two reasons… 1) We didn’t get chance for an afternoon nap so are both very sleepy, 2) I lied when I said there were two reasons. We were both up bright and early with the relaxing sounds of a Seagull who was either being electrocuted or penetrated in some foul manner acting as an alarm call. After a brief, blurry eyed, meeting of the holiday committee in the hall it was agreed that a cup of tea and a return to respective beds was in order. Having got back to bed I thought I would never get back to sleep so set up the new MacBook and began watching a bit of Star Trek - the couple of minutes I caught before proving myself wrong and nodding off were quite entertaining… Having woken the second time, feeling about as refreshed as a 20 stone sunbathing pensioners thong, we showered and decided to take in the delights of the camp - we wandered away from “Plantation Place” where we’re billeted and towards the lower decks. It seems the standard bunks here are actually much better than those in Bognor Regis and there was even a special Spar right at the far end to allow those who don’t want to join in the fun of the Skyline Pavillion to get some crisps or a Mills & Boon if the mood takes them. They appear to have thought f everything. Having wandered through the Fairground area (in which I really wanted a go on the go-karts but was too scared) we set out to Minehead town and enjoyed a passing “Hello” with both the other humans we encountered on our walk. Luckily, one of these humans was working at a Fish ’n’ Chips stall - he was a very friendly man, and despite being a bit taken aback by our talking to (well, I say to, I mean ‘at’) him whilst we waited for our ‘mini fish n chips for £2.99’ to cook. They were great and as we sat eating them we spent some time pondering where the steam railway was which we’d heard so much about - it was during this conversation that we noticed the 36ft long 14ft high massive steam engine sat about four paces from where we were eating. So, railway found, we moved onto the intriguing sign for a tattoo parlour - I have, believe it or not, been pondering a tattoo for a while so thought perhaps I’d go and have a look. This lead to an interesting conversation with a man who I think saw through my thin veil of bravado to spot the wimp (Girl Pants Mc Ginty) lurking inside so moved away from discussions around font and colour and moved more towards reassurances over how it didn’t hurt that much. Perhaps Mum being there with me, with her new Butterfly covered Sholley (Shopping Trolley to those of you not in the know) which we’d just bought face the game away that I wasn’t a full on toughie. So - back to the plot - arriving back at the camp we were welcomed by a lovely young man working on the gate who told us he was just back from his own holidays. We asked if he’d been to Butlin’s and he responded with “Oh no, not now I know what goes on behind the scenes” which he swiftly followed up with “but… it is really good here!! Great working here - fab company”. I left with the impression he thought we were inspectors for the company and he’d just got himself sacked! The afternoon beginning to turn to evening we settled back in to Bar Rosso and spent a couple of minutes watching some kids on the trampolines before it made us feel a bit sick so we stopped that and went off to play Crazy Golf. Finding the Crazy Golf closed we went to have Round Two of this season’s Air Hockey tournament which, I am delighted to say, lead to a resounding win for young Saxton!! (Always a joy to take pleasure in beating your Mum at a game targeted at the under 12’s). Still with our hunger for entertainment un-quenched we had half an hour of pool, well, we paid for half an hour of pool but after another comfortable victory or two for yours truly we gave up and decided drinking was a far better pass time. You may be thinking by now that I am a mean son beating Mum at pool and air hockey - well, so, apparently, did the Universe, as when I popped to the gents post-pool I managed to fall over one of those huge bright yellow “Careful Now!” health and safety cones… I mean, seriously, the sodding thing is there to prevent accidents but no - I fell over it. We dined again at the Sun & Moon pub where I bonded with the barman who had a tattoo covered up (Butlin’s policy for staff apparently) so now I am an aficionado of all things ‘tat’ I asked to see it and looked admiringly at it - though I did decline the kind offer to look at his other tattoo - in fact, I’m not entirely convinced that it was an entirely hygienic offer between you and me… Post food we were about to strike out for Centre Stage to get ready for a night of red coats and music but came over all middle aged and decided to call it a night and come back for a glass of wine and a game of cards. Fantastic day again - not such a funny blog today, but what it lacks in substance it makes up for in length (as I so often say..)
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 20:48:23 +0000

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