Day 2 Gratitude: 1) I am grateful for ice. Yes, ice. My 9 y.o - TopicsExpress


Day 2 Gratitude: 1) I am grateful for ice. Yes, ice. My 9 y.o had a tumble down the stairs tonight, and I am grateful for the healing powers of ice massage and ice bags... Their power is doubled when combined with gummy letters. 2) I am grateful for perspective. As I was driving home tonight, Alyssa called me and told me what happened... Dan got on the phone and while smooth and in control, I could hear the concern in his voice between the bleeding eyelid and tender knee and ankle joints. I could feel my heart sink and heart start to race a bit, not being there to assess the situation. Then, I realized, as sad as I was that my baby girl was hurt, I was immensely grateful if all it was was an eyelid that needed stitches and a leg that needed some TLC (and maybe crutches), rather than a spinal cord or head injury after a tumble down a flight of stairs. 3) I am grateful for the power of love. Alyssa made her sister homemade frosting lemon wafer cookies (interesting) as a get well present (although Alyssa devoured most of them herself), and how surprisingly calm Lilly remained despite such discomfort. She was really phenomenally cool and I could feel her body stop shaking and breath settle as we took turns snuggling in to ease her and ice various body parts. I am grateful for the fantastic global meditation today at noon. It was powerful, moving, vibrant and clarifying. I was so moved when each girl came in (pre-stair tumble) to do the first part of the meditation with me. Beyond delicious. Tonight I tag Erica Cohen, Jody A. Cohen and Ellen Fleisher in the 7 day gratitude challenge! For 7 days, please write 3 things for which you are grateful each day, and tag 3 of your friends each day to do the same. Love you! xo
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 02:11:08 +0000

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