Day 2 of the 7 Day GRATEFULNESS Challenge. . . I am grateful to - TopicsExpress


Day 2 of the 7 Day GRATEFULNESS Challenge. . . I am grateful to be an American. Are we are perfect nation? Heavens no! Sometimes I seriously wonder what members of Congress are thinking, to come up with some of the laws and policies, that require a roadmap and a PHD to begin to understand! I am proud to be an American, where each child has access to an education, to hopefully, prepare them to be productive members of society. I am proud to be a citizen of a society where we at least TRY to follow our US Constitution, keeping the Amendments to that great document to a minimum. The freedoms that are guaranteed US citizens are often taken for granted. We can worship freely, without fear of punishment. Our nation strives to help solve health issues and attempts to protect its citizens against the spread of dreaded diseases. We try to help those who are weak, and and in need. Women have opportunities to education and work, equal to men. Our racial equality has improved greatly, just in my lifetime. Our boundaries are defended by a strong military force. My Grandfather Smith was an immigrant from England. He did teach me the words, as a child, to God Save the Queen, but he was the most patriotic American citizen that I have ever known! He could recite the Preamble to the Constitution better than most native born citizens. Grandpa said that he left his beloved homeland, in search of a better life, which he found in the US. Through his eyes, and heart, I learned the importance of our freedoms. As an American, we have much for which to be GRATEFUL! I thank The Lord that I am a citizen of the U.S. A. Cheers to the opportunities that citizenship here offers! May we always appreciate those opportunities and use them to the best advantage of all!
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 14:08:04 +0000

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