Day #2 of the Transformation Challenge: Take Time to Continue - TopicsExpress


Day #2 of the Transformation Challenge: Take Time to Continue Focusing on YOU... In our quest to have a whole and complete life one can easily find themselves whether its consciously or unconsciously looking for others to bring clarity, guidance and understanding to those challenging obstacles, situations and circumstances that you may be facing in life...the voided areas of hurt, pain and sorrow, which over time begin to fester and suck the life out of other areas of your life if not properly identified, treated...and then followed up with a comprehensive preventive plan, so in the event of a reoccurrence you know the signs and symptoms and you’ve prepared PLAN OF ATTACK... For some even the thought of taking the necessary YOU time brings on a whirlwind of VERY intense emotions and feelings...there’s also someone reading this post saying thats not me Mignonne...Im COMPLETELY worries at all…and thats great and I’m TRULY happy for you …but I believe if you’re truly honest with yourself that wasn’t always the Man In The Mirror... We must be sensitive and sincere to the needs and challenges of GREAT you have it together today that’s AWESOME the Godly TRANSFORMATION that took and is continuing to take place in your life, but that doesnt give you the right to belittle or condemn others for the current struggles and challenges they are facing. Someone had to take time with you, be patient with you, have a listening ear and most importantly not be judgmental, so why would you think to share anything less than those same behaviors and actions to someone else. Its important not to use your One-Time to become the arena where you constantly relive each and every negative behavior, actions and thought you did...ok so you gossip with other co-workers about your frustrations of the job and how you are ready to leave, so you decided to snoop in your mates things and found that theyve been communicating with old friends and you go off reliving EVERY detail from EVERY bad relationship youve ever had to him, so you lose your cool with the cashier in the grocery store because todays her first day on the job and shes still learning the ropes in Training Mode..and you just dont want to hear it...and the list goes on and on...YES I know Im right...I bet right now someone is reading this shaking their hands like shes soooo right.. The most important thing I want you to realize about EVERY situation I mentioned is although there may have been others within the event...YOU MUST take an honest look and say What Role Did I Play to Cause and Create This Madness...This Chaos...This Unbearable Feeling of Pain...Create a list of ALL your negative actions, behaviors and thought and “OVERTIME”..not an overnight magical performance and in some cases with the help of a TRAINED PROFESSIONAL identify The Root for your behavior, actions and thoughts...if you really want to take this TRANSFORMATION journey its time to STOP looking at the symptoms and instead get to the Root Cause. Have a GREAT Day on PURPOSE!
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 11:16:55 +0000

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