Day 20 Reflection: Victory. When people hear the word victory - TopicsExpress


Day 20 Reflection: Victory. When people hear the word victory the first impulse is often to associate it with triumph achieved in some form of warfare or battle or competition. Of course this is a most appropriate and common use of the word but like so many other words, there can often be other associations which are less frequently included or remembered. Because of its usual connotations, the word implies a great sense of glory enjoyed and often displayed at the surmounting or defeating of a trouble, opponent or difficult life factor. What is not always considered is that the feelings that come with victory are not always those of joy, elation and empowerment. For example, a judge or jury involved in a legal battle might make a decision in favour of justice or victory for the appropriate party, yet that decision could come with the possibility of an errant injustice or the experience of witnessing great distress for parties involved or associated with the non-victors. Absolutely this can be said about all things in life, and arguments could arise about not caring about what cant be changed or what does not directly relate to the personal circumstances of life. Ive come to see the classic its their problem and not yours mate - let them deal with it as one of THE most defeatest attitudes that can be displayed by a human being. I dont make such a brash statement because I feel that everything in life is our business or that we can do something to change many things beyond our control, but because of the subliminal programming that such an attitude has on the subconscious. The reason so many things go wrong in our lives is a direct response to the way we dont deal with them correctly or how we fail to recognize that what effects us, effects everyone. There are some days when I truly believe that every man and woman is a victorious hero if they made it through to witness the sunset because of how awful life can truly be some days. I feel that we should be claiming personal victories every day that we simply do not recognize as triumphs. I believe that we are all equal in the sense that sometimes in life you get less than you deserve and sometimes it is evened out by you getting more than you deserve. I dont deny that moments of glory can fill one with immense pride, especially if that victory has been hard won. But I I think it is a very great mistake for anyone to feel superior to anyone else at such a time. Because this is an illusion. Firstly, this sends a confirmation signal to the subconscious which reaffirms the fact that the self feels inadequate and needs some great sense of overpowering others to claim stake to any validity or lacking self-worth and that, without that victory, there is no appreciation of personal power or self-worth. Secondly, the fallacy exists because where one may win on an occasion, another will claim that win in the face of their defeat on another occasion. The wheel is always turning. Human relationships are the most complicated things. Ive never understood the desire for people to make others feel jealous. I dont believe that feeling jealous over someone is what actually makes someone realize how much they love that person. There is no such thing as jealousy involved with real love, only protectiveness. I believe that the jealousy game is a high form of psychological manipulation when used that way, and I believe that feeling it is an indication that the concern is more over the person who feels its ego. I have in the past felt raging jealousy over people, but each time I have come to a personally irrefutable conclusion. It has always been my sense of insecurity that was responsible. And in any event, when I recognize someone attempting to make me feel that way on purpose, all I see then is someone attempting to feel superior because of my discomfort at seeing attention averted from me. Im not your everyday person, Ill admit, But Im definitely confirmed in my personal rationale. If I feel pain over someone as a result of fake jealousy, I rarely look at that person with the same impression, and that is a real shame for me. I believe that only one true victory exists in life. The victory of combatting yourself, and the victory of having the power and strength to let go of what you really love when you know that it serves what you really love for the best. X
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 07:38:03 +0000

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