Day 20 Update- Today was a day of rest for our sweet - TopicsExpress


Day 20 Update- Today was a day of rest for our sweet Ashton! I have been asked by quite a few people to explain the EEG and it being angry a little better. As of the last approximately 48 hours Ashtons EEG has not shown evidence of seizure activity, but with that said the EEG was still abnormal. The Team kept explaining his EEG as angry, as I have mentioned. When they say angry, they mean that he is at very high risk for seizures or is on the verge of seizing. Does that make sense? So their concern the last 24 hours was that the lower they kept decreasing the medication to keep him in the medically induced coma, the more and more the EEG looked like all of the conditions were favorable for him to start having seizures again. With the last time he started seizing it took them days to get the seizures to slow done at all and they did not want that to happen again. So they started to increase the coma medication again to see if they could get his EEG to calm down and not be so so angry or on the verge of seizing. They then increased the medication but it didnt seem to calm the angry activity down, so they increased it again. When the 2nd increase didnt seen to be effective either, thats when they increased it all the way back up to 4 mg and started another short acting medication that helps his brain to relax. Now that seemed to work. So because his EEG was so much calmer today, they wanted to leave all of his medications alone today and just let his body completely rest. I hope that I explained it better for you. Yes, I know now he is back up to the 4mg of the coma medication, is on 5 anti-seizure medications, and now back on one of the short acting medications to help his brain relax, BUT remember HE IS NOT SEIZING!!! Thank you God for that! He is just telling us that what they are doing is not the right mix for him, but he has such a great and incredibly amazing team of doctors and nurses that I have no doubt that they will find the right treatment for Ashton. They have already made such great strides just in figuring out what works for Ashton to get his EEG to be happy and calm. great. So now what are they going to do? Im sure you are thinking and asking me... As of right now they are planning on giving him a dose of medication through his IV called IVIG. It is known that when there is an infection or inflammation in the brain that the body sends out its soldiers to the site of the problem. The theory is that now the soldiers are working so hard that they dont know the good guys from the bad guys. The goal is that the IVIG will send a new group of soldiers in to bind with and eliminate the soldiers who have completely went crazy. They will know within 24 hours if this treatment will be effective. Yes, I know but what if that doesnt work, do they know what they are going to do next. The answer is Yes, they have a plan, but I am not going to explain that because the IVIG IS GOING TO WORK! If we continue to think about the what ifs and not give our full and utter belief in what they are doing now...nothing is ever going to work...right. So please lets all focus on praying that this medication is just what Ashtons body needs to help him hike his way back to us! Remember believing is root of it all! I truly hope I made sense and helped you all to understand a little better. Please keep the questions coming, because I guarantee if you are confused or dont quite understand...Im positive your not alone!!! On another note, Ashton had a busy, busy day when it came to visitors. Thank you to each and everyone of you who took the time out of their Sunday, the day most spend with their family, to come and see and spend time with ours. We are truly blessed. To see all of the love and support for Ashton and our family is truly incredible. We love you all and are so grateful from the bottom of our hearts! Keep your head up and remember nothing ever comes out of negative thoughts! Ashton IS going to beat this, and Ashton IS going to not let ANYONE or ANYTHING keep him down! I always try to find a nightly quote and I found this one and thought it was nothing more than perfect for today! I hope you all enjoy it! Quote of the Night- Knocking me down is the easy part, Keeping me there, youll need backup! Author Unknown We LOVE YOU ASHTON TUCKER!!!! We are all fighting this with you and we are all in your corner! Goodnight to all and Bless you our family, friends and fellow prayer warriors! Chris and Toby
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 03:29:33 +0000

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