Day 20 of Governor Terry McAuliffes Budget Impasse Today is day - TopicsExpress


Day 20 of Governor Terry McAuliffes Budget Impasse Today is day 20 of Governor Terry McAuliffes budget impasse. On Monday, Governor McAuliffe touted a one page, undated letter from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services that supposedly says Virginia can end his Obamacare Expansion “pilot project” he is proposing without penalty if we want to back out later. The only problem is that the letter isnt worth the paper its printed on. That was proven on Tuesday night on the floor of the House of Delegates when House Democrats tried (and failed miserably) to defend Governor McAuliffes Obamacare budget. During the middle of that debate, the Washington Post reported that the Obama administration was DELAYING the March 31 enrollment deadline for the Affordable Care Act. Yes, I know and another Obamacare delay alone probably isnt surprising. But this was significant because on at least four occasions within the LAST month and as recently as two weeks ago, top administration officials were insisting the deadline would NOT be moved. Here’s what Health and Human Services (HHS) official Julie Bataille said on March 11: “We have no plans to extend the open enrollment period. In fact, we don’t actually have the statutory authority to extend the open enrollment period in 2014.” And this was said by HHS official Michael Hash on March 11: “Once that 2014 open enrollment period has been set, they are set permanently.” The Presidents own press guy also chimed in. This from Press Secretary Jay Carney on March 21: “March 31st is the deadline for enrollment. You’ve heard us make that clear.” And none other than HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said this on March 12: “There is no delay beyond March 31.” If the Obama administration cant keep its word over a two-week period, what makes anyone believe they can keep their word over a two-year period? It’s time to pass a clean budget and end this political delay that is holding up Virginia’s teachers, fire services, police, higher education, transportation, and local governments as they try in vain to get their on budgets ready for the coming year. The House passed a clean budget this week. Call your State Senator demand that they pass a clean budget now!
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 14:46:46 +0000

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