Day 210-Next Q&A; May we continue with the questioner asking what - TopicsExpress


Day 210-Next Q&A; May we continue with the questioner asking what is right action? Follow what the questioner is asking, life is relationship and action, we cannot escape from these two? What is right action, which must be right under all circumstances? Whether in the eastern or western world, the communist world that is quite different because there you cannot speak, you cannot act you act according to the edits of the dictators and his group so that there is no sense of freedom there. So we are asking what is right action under all circumstances. For us to find this out we must enquire into what are our actions now? Can you see this, will you agree? What are our actions based on? Is this based on an ideal, on a principle or on certain values? Then there are those that do what they want to do. Please enquire into all of this, either it is a projected ideal, concept, experiences, values or do what you please the moment you want to do something do it. This is one of the cries of the psychologist don’t have any inhibitions do what you want. This is what is actually happening in the world and is this right action? What does action mean, the doing, the doing immediately/now? That is action, is that action based on your past, based on your past experiences and if it is you are acting based on the past memory of an experience, so the past is dictating your actions in the present. I wonder if you are getting it, are interested in all of this? Please tell me, are you interested in all of this, do you really want to find out what is right action? You may temporarily but it demands tremendous enquiry into all of this! Not accept some authoritarian assertions. You see what we are saying is that our actions are based on memory, past experiences or a projected concept either according to Marx, the church or some idealistic romantic business brought over from India or what ever country is dominate now days in all of this mess. This means that we are always acting according to the past are the enticing future. This is a fact and is that action? Our norm and pattern is to accept that as action. Our brain, mind and heart are conditioned according to that. We are questioning that we are saying that it is not action; action can only be when there is complete freedom from the past and the future. So when we use the word right it means precise, accurate, action, which is not based on motive, action that is not directed or committed. The whole understanding of this what is right action, what is right relationship, the understanding of it brings about intelligence, not the intelligence of the intellect. But that profound intelligence that is not yours or mine. So this is it, that intelligence will dictate what you do to earn a livelihood. You follow, without that intelligence your livelihood will be dictated by circumstances. When there is that intelligence you might be a chef, gardener it really doesn’t matter. You see our minds are trained to accept status and position. When we can understand all of that in the very understanding of all that which is intelligence that intelligence will show you what is the right livelihood for you to have. Now that we have went into this deeply and that you have heard it all will you do something about it? Or carry on with your usual way; this is why it demands a great deal of enquiry. Denying every form of experience in that enquiry. So there is a way of living where there is no conflict and because there is no conflict there is intelligence and that intelligence will show you the way of right living. REMEMBER-TOGETHER! SO PLEASE SHARE and SHARE A LIKE
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 01:00:34 +0000

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