Day 218-Next Q&A; I HAVE UNDERSTOOD THE THINGS THAT YOU HAVE TALKED ABOUT DURING THESE TALKS, EVEN IF IT IS ONLY INTELLECTUALLY. I FEEL THAT THEY ARE TRUE IN A DEEPER SENSE. NOW WHEN I AM DONE WITH EACH TALK SHOULD I TALK ABOUT YOUR TEACHINGS WITH FRIENDS AND SO ON OR SENSE I AM STILL FRAGMENTED WILL IT PRODUCE MORE CONFUSION AND MISCHIEF? This is a good question, we will go into it? I have understood the things that you have talked about, things; the word things come from Latin, which is thought, go into it and you will see? The things-the statue, books, panting, edits/scriptures of the church all of it are things. So “thing” is the movement of thought. Which created the things the statues, books, paintings and all the rest. Now has one understood not the thing but the nature of thought, how it arises and the activity of it? If that is fully deeply comprehended, then the questioner says when I am done should I go and share it with my friends and family or will that create more confusion because I am still fragmented? This is a very good question! All of the religious talks the priest, the guru, fragmented people promulgate the whole works and you know this right? Though they say we are high up they are still fragmented human beings. So we are spreading all of that, I don’t know if you realize it? I may say that I am a complete human being, I know, I am and all the rest. The moment I have said I have attained you are a fragmented human being. The priest have said it moderately and we are spreading what they are telling us because we are fragmented human being just like them therefore we accept another’s fragment, I wonder if you get this? The questioner has said that I understand what you have said partially, somewhat, I am not a transformed human being, I understand and I want to tell other what I have understood. “What I have understood?” I didn’t say that I understand the whole works I have understood a part and I know that it is fragmented I know that it is not complete I am not interpreting the teachers work I am just informing you what I have understood, what is wrong with that? But if you say I have grasp the whole dam thing and I am telling you then I become the interpreter, the authority, the chairman of the committee and such a person becomes sedated, corrupts other people. But if I seen something that is true I am not deceived by it but true that is I feel a certain compassion, love, truth I feel that very strong naturally, I can’t help but go out it would be silly to say I want. But I warn my friends and family look be carful don’t put me on a pedestal. But as the world is so corrupted and human beings are tied to something or other a belief, a person, an idea, to an illusion or dogma they are corrupted. It is that corruption that speaks and we being corrupted also join the crowd. If you see beauty of a hill, a river, the extraordinary tranquility of a fresh morning the shape of the mountains and valleys how extraordinarily everything is in proportion not made by the painter, seeing that want you invite your friend, say come out here and look at this then you are not concerned about your self but the beauty of the mountains. REMEMBER-TOGETHER! SO PLEASE SHARE and SHARE A LIKE
Posted on: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 06:19:51 +0000

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