Day 23, July 23, 2014. Our prayer lection this morning was Pss - TopicsExpress


Day 23, July 23, 2014. Our prayer lection this morning was Pss 113-118. A series of short but wonderful psalms. It may be light at 5:30 but my goodness can we not have at least some cool weather in the morning! Psalm 117 is the soul of the Psalter. It is small. Like a chorus around a summer campfire. I wonder how many times the worship leaders lead the congregation of our Gathered ancestors in that short refrain? Praise Yahweh, all you foreigners Extol him, all you non-Israelites! For great is his Hesed toward us, and the faithfulness of Yahweh endures without end. Praise Yahweh! (my rendering) Would the praise team simply repeat it over and over? Whatever the case, it is in fact the soul of Israels faith and the heart of our worship. No matter the circumstances. No matter the opposition. No matter the mystery of evil. No matter if we are in Exile. No matter if the symbol of our relationship lies in ruins (i.e. the temple). No matter what it is - to paraphrase the great student of the Psalter named Saul of Tarsus said - come hell or high water Gods HESED is beyond question. Praise is offered in the full awareness of pain, in the full acknowledgement of suffering, in the full confession that the world is messed up - that is what makes Israels praise so incredibly authentic. The Exodus has happened. God has covenanted with us. God has delivered us. Immanuel has made his home with us (114.2). We praise in the present because of he has done in the past which gives us TRUST in him for the future. These are not imaginary redemptive historical moments. Therefore the inspired editors of the book offer the soul ... PRAISE the LORD, all nations, extol him all peoples; for his love protecting us is strong, the LORDs faithfulness is everlasting. Praise the LORD (Ps 117). Our vocation is to be a Kingdom of Priests that point the nations to the God of Hesed and lead all creation in worship to him. May we praise him from the rising of the sun to its setting may the LORDS name be praised! (Ps 113.3). I love you Yahweh.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 18:16:23 +0000

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