Day 233-Living With Ultimate Truth? What we have discussed - TopicsExpress


Day 233-Living With Ultimate Truth? What we have discussed previously or the other day was that thought take charge of any enquirers because of its dominance inwardly psychologically. And you have taken the time to look at this I hope so that we may together enquire into what is action? Any action as a result of thought is limited. Because thought in it self is a broken up thing, fragmented a limited thing because it is based on knowledge. And knowledge however much you may accumulate, how ever much you may accumulate facts expanding knowledge over and over constantly it is still limited. This is an obvious thing again, perhaps not to the people who advocate the decent of humankind through knowledge. Because that is there particular form of conclusions. But when one sees actually in daily life how knowledge is so extraordinarily limited. You may have and must have technological knowledge and to that knowledge more can be added it can be constantly expanded but is there the accumulation of psychological knowledge in which action take place? Do you understand the question? Alright, one has accumulated knowledge psychologically I have been hurt many years ago as a girl or boy I have been hurt and that hurt has become my knowledge it is there inside my skin and I act according to that knowledge which is I resisted, isolate myself in order to not be hurt again. Now this constant division between me and another to prevent being hurt further, this is a common fact again. So I act according to that knowledge I may see the rationality of it, I may go to a psychologist or do all kinds of things about it but the psychological remembrance of the wound is still there. And that wound is responding all the time. You see I am acting according to a past incident. Whether that past incident is painful or pleasurable is irrelevant. But it is a past event which is my knowledge, I have had a lovely afternoon that becomes my knowledge and will have a marvelous day tomorrow and again, you follow, this whole process is based on the accumulated process of experience, desire and pleasure. What is the question is it not is there an action that is totally independent of all of this? Do you understand my question? To enquire into that the operation of thought must be understood? Because you cant stop thinking, if you force thought to stop like many people try to do through meditation, which is not meditation, try to control thought shape thought. Then they have divided themselves into the thinker who is superior and thought that is inferior. So the superior try’s to control the inferior, you know all of this right? Now is there a way, an action that is totally divorced from all of this? I am challenging you and you are challenging me together we are in a state of being challenged! Perhaps if you are challenged deeply, sufficiently and earnestly with all of your being then you will find an answer. We are discussing this together we are sharing this together therefore I am not telling you and you are not accepting it? Because other wise it become futile then we can just find our self some guru? Where as if you can discover this for your self then you are free you have understood action in all of its full meaning and its depth and beauty! The writer says there is such an action devoid completely from the past and the future from the environment and circumstances? It is an insight into the total movement of thought as it pressures it self in the environment, circumstances past and future? Which is to have insight into action! That is insight is not the response of memory, has this ever happened to you suddenly you say I have understood it? Without words, gestures, circumstances the past you suddenly feel that you have got it. That is irrevocable it is ultimate truth! You can’t say I have got it but then tomorrow I have lost it! REMEMBER-TOGETHER! SO PLEASE SHARE and SHARE A LIKE
Posted on: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 01:17:24 +0000

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