Day 24: 31 DAY MORNING WATCH FOR FINANCIAL BREAKTHROUGH for Sunday August 3, 2014 Pray Luke 12:33, 18:22 Read and meditate on these verses prayerfully. Wealth is sometimes to be given away completely. Be willing to give in abundance. God cannot fill our hands if we are tight fisted. Got it? PS: TESTIMONY One time I had no money except 7000/= in the bank. I was living with my parents then and had nothing else. I remember I went and took it all out and gave it and God moved for me in such a mighty way. Within no time I was promoted to a manager at work...and I had not seen it coming. Another time God moved me to give some tithe amount that I had not given. I gave it plus the 20% redemption stipulated in the word (Leviticus 27:31). I was on sick leave and had gone for surgery. When I went back to work months later, I found that the business I was managing had closed and I was out of work. God had foreseen this and that tithe was a safeguard. Within a month, I had another job as the GM of another company. When God commands you to give, GIVE! Even if it is all that you have, Give it.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 04:06:23 +0000

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