Day 24 A hair better... Today I am still dragging but at least I - TopicsExpress


Day 24 A hair better... Today I am still dragging but at least I can keep my eyes open. I feel like I am heading in the right direction. Today my prayer is for patience. Patience for my physical strength that I know I will have back soon. Even though I am weak today, I still want to testify to all of you how great our Lord is even in my time of sickness. Galatians 6:9 And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. I refuse to give up. Giving up is NEVER going to be an option. I know that this too shall pass and there is a promise of healing for me. I have faith and in that faith I find peace and comfort. Only a loving God can give me the peace I feel in this time of despair. Only a loving God is able to take away my insecurities and fears about this disease. 1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love. Thank you God for calming my heart during this storm. Thank you for giving my courage and strength to look past today. Thank you for the future I see for me and my children. I know, dear Lord, You make no mistakes and for this I am grateful. No one takes a final breath without the knowledge of You. I am humbled by Your awesome love. In Jesus name, Amen.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 01:55:10 +0000

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