Day 25: This is just a story of a dog, that is dear to my heart. - TopicsExpress


Day 25: This is just a story of a dog, that is dear to my heart. Well truth is we all love Punkin…..Its not really a ‘thankful day post’ but it is day 25 and well… people just have 3 more days of my novels. Lol. I enjoy sharing life with friends and so this way when I mention Punkin, you have a clear picture of who she is. She is not ‘just a dog’ she is truly ‘family.’ She protects Kaylee and Tito and my grandbabies so I am very thankful for her. The story is Sarah was suppose to get a dachshund puppy and for some reason last minute she wagged this thing home that was everything but a dachshund. There was of course a sob story of something or other, I lost track of that tale. Her name was ‘Punkin’ and I just didn’t care for her. She was a busy puppy that was just happy and blustery and busy…She took right to the pet door, in and out all day long so she was housebroke immediately. Suggie didn’t like her because she was bigger and obnixious and Suggie was just a little thing. Missy liked Punkin pretty good, but Suggie got kind of sick and stressed. We had to send Punkin to live with Kaylee Sarah was never able to keep Punkin again after Kaylee took her. It seemed Kaylee could not keep Punkin either, so We set out to find her a home. I don’t want to mention names here, so I will just say a home was found and I did a follow up and well, the home did not meet my standards, after seeing it, so I ordered Kaylee to go in and take the dog. I think that makes us ‘Dog Heisters’ to some degree. It was raining and not a good night, Kaylee got out to go tell the people we made a mistake and wanted our dog back. When she got out Punkin ran around front of car and jumped in Kaylees arms, she tossed her in the back seat and we sped off….her in her pj’s and me with my hair up in a knot and my pj’s too but they sure did not match. We fled the scene, punkin talked and licked us from the back seat, she was just whining and talking up a storm. We took her back to Kaylee’s and that was that. She is Kaylee’s dog but we all love Punkin. She is a very important part of our family and she is very protective of us all. One summer Kaylee went to Canada so I had to babysit Punkin and this is how it went down, every day for 30 days. Punkin stayed in Kay and Tito’s apartment until 7:30 a.m. I collected her in the car, she whined and talked all the way to Tito’s mom’s house, I would let her out on her leash, she would drag me to the fence, I would let her in, put out fresh food and water that I hauled, she would cry to see me go and I would leave. At 7 p.m. we did it again, I would go get her from Tito’s mom’s yard, take her back to apartment, feed and water and leave. If you ever saw the Flintstones, that’s how it was by 7:30 a.m., she would nearly knock me down, hand me her own leash and out we would go. She would strut down that sidewalk like a star on the red carpet. This dog has more personality than most people. Some days we stopped at Braums for a biscuit. Then there was this one morning, that we got out at Tito’s mom’s house and she started the normal drag me to the fence and then, we both saw it, a monster of a dog creeping up on us, headed our way….growling like a bear, and I didn’t know whether to run or stand there, Punkin lunged then ran for car dragging me, the race was on, like in a Cujo movie, I got in that door just before that big dog jumped on me. Punkin growling and mad, she got in that car and so did I shut door and the monster jumped up at the door, teeth bared at us, it was awful. I went home for the daisy red rider bb gun, my idea of self defense against this ‘thing’, came back and dog was gone. I decided after that I would get out first, then unlock and open gate, put water and food out and then get Punkin out and get her in fence quick and me back to car. I pulled up right to gate after that too. You never ever just frolicked out of that car again because Punkin and I knew there was a Cujo that lived up the street and on that day he had just got out of his fence. I was bad to the bone though, toting the big gun. She is up in years now, about 7 years old, same as Sugar Bear. She protects my grandbabies and that’s and important job.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 12:55:09 +0000

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