Day 25 of Gratitude Practice by THE MAGIC. Cue The Magic. [[[ - TopicsExpress


Day 25 of Gratitude Practice by THE MAGIC. Cue The Magic. [[[ Imagine That the Universe is friendly and caring, and that it wants you to have everything you want in life. Because the Universe cant just walk up and hand you what you want, it uses the law of attraction to give you signs and cues to help you receive your dreams. The Universe knows you have to feel gratitude to bring forth your dreams, so it plays its part in the fame by giving you personal cues to remind you to be grateful. It uses the people, circumstances, and events that surround you in your day as your magic cues to be grateful. It works like this: If you hear an ambulance siren, the magic cue from the Universe is to be grateful for perfect health. If you see a police car, your magic cue is to be grateful for safety and security. If you see someone reading a newspaper, its your magic cue to be thankful for great news. If you want to change the weight of your body, when you see another person with you perfect weight, its your magic cue from the Universe to be thankful for your perfect weight. If you want a romantic partner, when you see a couple madly in love its your magic cue to be grateful for the perfect partner. If you want to have a family, when you see babies and children, take the magic cue and be grateful for children. When you pass by your bank, or an ATM, its your magic cue to be grateful for plenty of money. When you arrive at home, its your magic cue to be grateful for your home, and when a neighbor calls in to have a cup of coffee, or you wave to them across the street, it0s your magic cue to be grateful for your neighbors. If you happen to see one of your material desires on your list, such as your dream house car, motorcycle, shoes, or computer, of course its your magic cue from the Universe to be grateful for your desire now! When you begin a new day, and someone says, Good morning, youre being given a magic cue to be grateful for the good morning. If you come across someone who is really happy, its your magic cue to be grateful for happiness. And if you overhear another person saying thank you, anywhere at anytime, its your magic cue to say thank you! => When I receive a phone call from a friend or family member, its a cu to be grateful for him or her. When someone says, Isnt it a beautiful day, its a cue to be grateful for the beautiful weather where I live, and for another beautiful day. If an appliance breaks down, its a cue to be grateful for my appliances that are working perfectly. If a plant in my harden is struggling, its a cue to be grateful for all the healthy plants in my harden. When I collect the mail, its a cue to be grateful for the mail service, and for unexpected checks. When someone says they have to go to an ATM, or I see people in line at an ATM, its a cue to be grateful for money. If a person I know comes down with sickness, its a cue to be grateful for their health and mine. When I open my curtains in the morning and see the new day, its a cue to be grateful for the great day ahead. And when I close my curtains at night, its a cue to be grateful for the great day I had. => Magic Practice Number 25 Cue The Magic 1. Count Your Blessings. Make a list of ten blessings. Write why youre grateful. Reread your list, and at the end of each blessing say thank you, thank you, thank you, and feel as grateful for that blessing as you can. 2. Today, be alert to whats around you, and take at least seven gratitude cues from the events in your day. For example, if you see someone with your perfect weight, say, Thank you for my perfect weight! 3. Just before you go to sleep tonight, hold your Magic Rock in one hand, and say the magic words, thank you, for the best thing that happened during the day.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 05:11:48 +0000

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