Day #26 of 80 Day Prayer Chain Prayer Item - Pray that our - TopicsExpress


Day #26 of 80 Day Prayer Chain Prayer Item - Pray that our coming president will create and maintain protection for Zambia’s citizens from internal and external threats. - Pray that he will also look after the welfare of our peacekeepers (police, wardens, army, air-force, national service and all other security wings) for indeed blessed are the peacemakers. Point of Concern As we continue to pray, we have seen the raising of double candidates in two leading political parties in our nation. In PF we saw the election of Hon Edgar Lungu on Sunday, only to see the election the following day of Hon Miles Sampa. In MMD you have president elect Dr. Nevers Mumba on one hand, and on the other Former President Rupiah Banda. This has potential to bring confusion and division from the electorate - which can lead to anarchy and acrimony. We come against the spirit of anarchy, casting down acrimony, confusion, division and chaos in Jesus name! We decree the manifest power of God to protect this nation against her enemies seen or unseen. We speak against sponsors of violence and confusion, that they may receive their due reward and that may the Spirit of the Sovereign God reign in our nation Zambia! Keep praying saints - we have 49 days before the election. We shall see Gods hand work behind the scenes to raise His anointed one for this next dispensation in our Jubilee. Have you joined the Zambia Shall Prevail: The 80 Day Prayer Chain campaign yet? If not why not do so and join us as we pray for our nation through Gods intervention? Follow this link and join us... https://facebook/groups/zambiashallprevail/
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 04:16:52 +0000

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