Day 29 By Dawn Wilbanks — 51 minutes ago Made it out of the - TopicsExpress


Day 29 By Dawn Wilbanks — 51 minutes ago Made it out of the apt before the scheduled time! Stayed up late last night doing all the chores since I knew I wouldnt get them completed this morn! Neil had finished breakfast with ST when I arrived so we had an hour before next therapy. He was still very groggy. They cut dose in half from Saturday, but he was still sleepy through morning therapy. Ate some lunch...not as much as usual, but drank strawberry Ensure. OT grabbed him before we were finished drinking it. I heard her say, Neil, you are going to lie on your stomach. I thought...oh, no you might have a pink floor!!! He made it through 30 min of pushing up trunk with arms, doing sit ups, and trying to sit alone. They were helping him, but he is doing better. Here comes PT to work with him. Gosh, I was tired watching him in OT. They put him in seated position in this contraption and cranked him up to standing. Made him stand for 5 min. He is supported in front and back so dont think hes standing alone. Then cranked him down and made him try to stand up. There is a tray in front of him to put arms and he kept pulling himself up with arms instead of using legs. There will be a pic of it on Caringbridge under GUESTBOOK. I know some of you are still reading from Carolyns email, but you are missing all the pics! My case manager met with me today. Told me not to worry about his length of stay here. They will not let him leave before he is ready, so he hopefully will be here longer than TWO more weeks which was his projected release day. Praise The Lord!!! Then we will hopefully receive outpatient therapy up here also. They put him to bed to rest so I hiked down to R Thomas alone today. (Pat deserted me!) She wont be gone long though. Enjoyed sitting, eating and eating and sitting!! Stayed long enough to stop at Chick Fil A for Neils dinner. Thank goodness I did. He had tuna sandwich on tray. I would have never marked that because he doesnt like it. Surprised they didnt have brown gravy with it!! He ate all the chick sandwich and some fries! After dinner Mr. Johnnys daughter asked if we wanted to go to secret garden. ( Those of you who have been at a meal will remember him..the one who sings hymns) We had not been outside yet so we followed them to learn the way. Its right on Peachtree Rd so its definitely not quiet, but we enjoyed watching the fish swim in the pond. Stayed out there an hour. Hope he enjoyed the fresh air!! After our outside excursion, I helped tech put him to bed. It was well after 8 and I was exhausted. I crashed on bed in Neils room. Will get to condo tomorrow. Thank you God for the dedicated therapists who are pushing Neil everyday. Pray for drug not to make Neil too sleepy tomorrow. Night, night....could sleep on floor tonight!! Dawn
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 11:52:33 +0000

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