Day 3, 4, & 5 of the Positivity Challenge: Day 3: 1. Im - TopicsExpress


Day 3, 4, & 5 of the Positivity Challenge: Day 3: 1. Im thankful for this challenge today because its helping me fight through my tired and weary mind and look at the things that make like fruitful. 2. My sister, Emily Mitchell. When I think of her, sometimes my heart feels like a rocket ready for take off. Ive never quite loved another human like this girl. Since we were little, Ive admired and adored her. We explore together, we learn from each other, we accept each other as we are. Bottom line: The chic is special. 3. Opportunity. This is loaded because there are so many facets to opportunity. Im currently unemployed, but there are so many opportunities to explore and paths to take that will help me get to where Im heading. Im also thankful for the opportunity to try new things and meet new people everyday. Day 4: 1. Learning. Damn, I love it. My memory sucks but I get such a high learning. In this last year, I feel like my curiosity has inclined. I look around and every single thing I see I want to know what it is and what is its purpose. I look at a person, and I want to know about them. I see a building, and I want to know what the style is or how its evolved. Its almost overwhelming to realize how much I dont know, how much I wont remember after I learn it and just how damn beautiful the entire process is. 2. Communication. Hell yes. This is an art in itself and I love it. I suck at it sometimes. Other times, like when Im most open and patient, it just soars. Opening up ideas, feelings, and personal experiences shouldnt be taken lightly. Its such a great thing and helps make lifes meaning deepen. 3. Words. I think they are just awesome. When someone uses a new word and I have no clue what it means, I look it up in secret (not anymore).They are fascinating in how they derive, evolve and are chosen in expression. Words contain a lot of power. I often find myself scrambling for the right words or hesitating to not say specific words because Im very aware of their power. I wish I knew more, but this whole lack of memory thing is no joke! Day 5: 1. Trees. I think thats obvious. 2. Transportation. Again, thats pretty obvious (and Im tired of rambling in excitement) 3. DANCE. When youre angry, sad, happy, whatever, just frickin dance. Having a fight with someone? Turn on Stayin Alive and just boogie. Do you have a cold? Turn on some music and shake your booty a little. Its the key ingredient to any home-cooked meal. Its the best past time in a traffic jam. I think my points made. I nominate Mary Beth Lengel, Clair Lephart, Katie Rediger, Katie Nicole, Nicki Brown and Peter Stevens Jr..
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 21:06:40 +0000

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