Day 3, Feb 3, 2014 (Pss 11-16). Good morning Again my friends. - TopicsExpress


Day 3, Feb 3, 2014 (Pss 11-16). Good morning Again my friends. What in the world happened to the Broncos last night! I dragged myself out of bed at 5:30, sat at the table a few feet from where I slept, opened the shades to see the dark world and then got to the Psalms. I cracked open my Bible and invited the Spirit to guide my prayer time. Psalm 13 and 15 did not fail to arrest me as always arrest me. However, contrary to my expectations I was drawn to a feature on my first read over the whole set. Ps 11.1 and 16.1 were suddenly the front and back of an envelope appear. I trust in the LORD for safety (11.1), Protect me, O God; I trust in you for safety (16.1). Those on the frontline call for help, express concern about the enemies of God and his people, but all is framed in the structure of unshakable faith in the Creator and Covenanting God Yahweh. Psalm 16 is in fact a grand expansion on this theme. But it occurs in the beginning, the middle and the end of our prayer lection and all centers on the temple. Though the world mocks us for our allegiance to Yahweh by saying fly away like a bird (11.1b) and they hide in shadows to shoot at good people (11.2) all of which makes us persecuted and groaning in pain. We even cry out to the Lord How much longer will you forget me (13.1). We are incensed by those who deny the reality of the King. But in worship, In the world that Psalm 1 pulled us into, the glasses it provides for having eyes to see and ears to hear we know God has not abandoned us, indeed he is working perfectly in the world to bring about redemption. What do we see thru those glasses that let us, as Gods People in an unbeleiving world, make the joyous confession of 11.1 and 16.1 in the full experiential knowledge of Pss 12, 13, and 14 in between? We see the Truth! and the Truth will set you free! We see the LORD is in his holy temple; he has his throne. He watches people everywhere {our God is no tribal or national deity} and knows what they are doing. He examines the good and the wick alike; the lawless he hates with all his heart (11.4-5). We see what the persecuted and dying saints see in Revelation! They too cry, with the Psalmists, How Long (Rev 6.10). What vision are they granted by none other than Jesus the MARTYR himself? Is it not God is in his temple? God is seated on the throne. The Principalities and Powers are NOT in charge regardless of those who say We will say what we wish, and no one can stop us (12.4). God in his temple means security for his People and final judgment upon evil. What do we see? The LORD looks down from heaven at us humans to see if there are any who are wise, any who worship him (14.2). More temple language. Who are the wise? Not scholars or philosophers but simply those who have eyes to see the Holy One and bow in joyful praise. Those who see the Truth of God incarnate in his temple know that his gracious Presence is everywhere. Why am I joyful in my trust in the Lord, because I am aware of the LORDs presence and NOTHING can shake me (16.8). In fact because God is with us {that is the significance of the temple in the Old Testament} he will show me the path that leads to LIFE; your Presence fills me with JOY and brings me pleasure forever (16.11). Because we have God, it is enough. You, LORD, are all I have (16.5)! The person who truly sees God in his temple knows that there is nothing in this world that compares to him. If I have him then I have everything. The enemies can take my life, my wife, my kids, my money, my house - everything - and I still have EVERYTHING! That is the truth that we learn ONLY in Gathered Worship as we see God on his throne and commune with him and Saints. No wonder Psalm 15 is placed here. Some go to church but never see God in his glory in the assembly. It gives us the a reason why they do not. My prayer time ended with Ps 12.6 in neon lights in my head. If God is in his temple then the promises of the LORD can be trusted; they are as genuine as silver refined seven times in the furnace. Jesus prayed these psalms just as we are doing today. He breathed them. Is it any wonder that the Gospel of John tells us that Jesus is in fact Gods temple and he dwells with us. The Word became a human being and FULL OF GRACE and TRUTH, LIVED among us (Jn 1.14). Immanuel. Temple. Jesus tabernacled with us. That is what the Greek says. The Hebrew Bible and the Psalms especially define the very identity of Jesus. Because the Lord is in his TEMPLE his promise is true and I can trust in him. Shalom
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 17:31:15 +0000

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