Day 3 Friday Slept in again. We’re getting good at that. It - TopicsExpress


Day 3 Friday Slept in again. We’re getting good at that. It turns out our plans were too ambitious. We forfeited the interpretive tour of Green Point in favour of the rigorous hike to Green Gardens. The hike itself was 4.4 km long each way and didn’t have a lot to recommend it, although it was interesting to pass through so many vegetation zones. The destination was worth the trek. The sea stacks and rocks were impressive, the waterfall was lovely (would have been lovelier if it hadn’t been pissing down rain the whole time), the beach was an interesting mix of boulders, stones, black sand and seaweed, and the piece de resistance was the cave. Millions of years of strata had been upended then eroded so it was a perfect arch of geology. From front to back you passed the layers until the back wall which was flat. The layers arched high overhead and the huge boulders on the floor were chunks of time fallen in a jumble. One could spend days in the area hiking and exploring, and there were even campsites to facilitate such activity. The rest of the day was less successful as the show we wanted to see was sold out (we had been advised we didn’t need to book tickets in advance – maybe that would have been true for a weekday performance), and by the time we found accommodations and settled all we had time for was a sunset walk and dinner. For sure it’s a beautiful place for a sunset walk. We also met more people; I quite like this chance encounter thing with sharing information
Posted on: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 10:36:03 +0000

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