Day 3 Highlights Amazing results were obtained in the Andean - TopicsExpress


Day 3 Highlights Amazing results were obtained in the Andean region of Cajamarca, where teams were allowed more freedom to move. Tigrisomas and E-Birders leaders Dan Lane and Tom Schulenberg managed to get a ‘lifer’ each. It seemed an impossible task for the co-authors of ‘Aves del Peru’, the most complete guide on the subject for this country. At dawn, E-Birders went back to Day 2 checkpoint Abra el Gavilán to find Schulenberg’s new bird: the Unicolored Tapaculo. Meanwhile in Cañón Sangal, Dan Lane saw for the first time the Grey-Bellied Comet, only found in this area. After adding it to their checklist, the team headed to an unfrequented but diverse spot they found via Google Earth. They also heard in San Marcos a Great Horned Owl. Good intuition that gave the leading score. The community of Luichupucro gave a solemn welcome to the BRC organizers, who planted ‘Campanilla’ trees next to Chonta river. Beautiful lilac flowers blossom from this plant, which is the main source of food for the Grey-Bellied Comet. UK’s Forest Falcons found a Buff Bridled Inca Finch in the road to San Marcos. They remark having found a Great Spined Tail in San Nicolás lake, which becomes a new site for this species to be seen at. Zululanders spotted a White Capped-Dipper near Chonta river, and Tramuntana team saw the Great Horned Owl near lake Sulluscocha. Was it the same Dan Lane heard? Exciting day for Ararajubas, as they checked all endemic species found on the list. San Marcos provided them the Great Spinetail and the Spit Throated Hummingbird. In Chonta river the Brazilians saw a Straited Earthcreeper, and the Piura Chat-Tyrant, becoming the first register of this species for the area. The Blue Winged Teal was a weird find at San Nicolas lake, as this migratory bird from North America wasn’t supposed to visit Peru by this time of the year. They expect to see the Rufous Antpitta when arriving tomorrow in Cruz Conga, where a social event will take place. Limón, Balsas and Leimebamba are compulsory stops at Day 4.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 03:18:26 +0000

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