Day 3: Wow!! This years walk has really been an experience! - TopicsExpress


Day 3: Wow!! This years walk has really been an experience! Yesterday was not-so-great for me. The Komen people took my credentials and red carded me (picture to come). This badge of distinction means that the risk of me walking on their route is more than they are willing to assume. Imagine that - three years together and theyd do me like this. SMH But I do get to hang out with the fabulous crew. (And this year there seems to be almost as many crew members as walkers - not good :(). On the BUS RIDE this AM, I chatted with one of the crew members who happened to be the wife of a walker I met on Day 1. Now how odd is that? Must be a message for me in that charming coincidence. Speaking of charming coincidences, I met Duke Alumnus this morning. She is a survivor - a warrior. How sweet was that? She was diagnosed while at Duke (c. 2000) and is in treatment again now. Nevertheless, she was all smiles this morning and determined to walk these last miles today. Look at God. #Courage #Tenacity OAN: I am happy to report that Shellita Boxie has been well behaved. She stuck with me through my ordeal yesterday. She even risked her reputation as a celebrity by riding in the front seat of the ambulance that transported me. #TeamBoobyTrekRocks I think my drama may have taken a toll on her because she was rather snippy last night. At camp, lights are out at 9:30. She rolled into our tent around 10 and started playing with her phone. Well, she kept trying to play a video but every time she tried the dang volume blared. The first time it happened our neighbor said it scared the sh-t out of her. After the 4th time it happened I told Shellita that they were going to kick her out. She replied, Kick me out? I am already out. Now I am not sure what she meant but the tone of her voice let me know she meant it. So all I said was Dig it and left her alone. One day I will share my 2013 Day 2 story. I cannot wait to tell you about the medic who could not get a read on my blood pressure or the look on her face when she finally did get a read. (I dont know which was scarier.) I cannot wait to talk about the head EMT and his compadres who couldnt find my veins - it was an Abbott & Costello calamity at its best. I wish I had a picture to share of the look on the hospital registration ladys face when I told her that I had nothing to contribute towards my $300 co-pay. She was NOT HAPPY. LMBO! (Thank God Bryan had my debit card.). I will have to share how my stomach dropped (at 45 yeArs old) when I saw my moms name on my caller ID while I was still in ER. I was afraid to answer because I knew she was going to MAKE me come home. Then I will have to share how Big Poppa showed up at the hospital as we were leaving. Within minutes he called and informed Babs that it was a false alarm. Like his visual conclusion?? (I dont know what that meant but she seemed to accept it.) I really want to tell my FB Friends how I spent about 3 hours riding around St. Pete and Clearwater, with Big Poppa and Shellita who were all the while minimizing my near death experience. There was absolutely no sympathy. Not so much as a can I get you something moment. WTH Where do they do that at? Must be a runner thing. But I will save those stories for another day. Today I will give closure to this experience. Plus, there will be no 3-Day Walk here in Tampa next year. Sadly (less money for research/grants), the 3-Day tour is going from 14 cities down to 7. And unfortunately the Bay Area didnt make the cut. That makes today a bit historic and bittersweet. But hopefully the cut is only temporary. Nonetheless, we are here today. Thanks FB Friends for sharing this experience with me again this year.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 14:26:49 +0000

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