Day 3 of London, headed to Conert garden to do a bit of shopping. - TopicsExpress


Day 3 of London, headed to Conert garden to do a bit of shopping. After all you can’t not shop in London (That’s my excuse anyway). Bought a pair of black Nike shoes to wear with my dress for the Opera and my first Mac foundation, which made me extremely happy. Headed to the Apple store to meet Peter Madden, Grannie Madden and Hermione Taylor outside before heading for cake and tea. It was great to finally meet Peter, as he was the sole reason I was able to have this amazing trip. He got in touch with the people that made that weekend possible. Thank you so much Peter! After a cake, we said goodbye to Hermione on our way to Muriel’s kitchen for a bit of lunch. Later on Matthew and myself caught up with a friend from school, Nicola for yet another cake. Feeling defeated by the last cake we made our way back to our hotel to get glammed up for the Opera that night, Xerxes. In the London Colliusm, we met up with Rosie who took us onto the stage. OMG it’s beautiful the details in the ceiling, the red seats and the boxes. It was just incredible to see what the Opera singer’s see. Rosie went briefly over the plot and showed us some of props that we’d be seeing later on during the performance. After a talk from the stage director we were shown to our seats, which were on the third row! Safe to say we had the best seats. The Opera started, at first I couldn’t understand what they were saying even though it was in English. I had to read the subtitles but by the end I didn’t need too. Wow the Opera singers voices are incredibly powerful, still can’t believe they don’t need microphones. Xerxes is a romantic comedy, about an arrogant and spoilt king (Xerxes) who falls in love with a lady (Romilda). Romilda is secretly dating the kings brother. As you can imagine there’s lots of medaling and secrets being revealed. If you havn’t seen an Opera it’s a must see as it’s a truly wonderful and memorable experience. Day 4, packed up and checked out of the room before heading to the London eye where we were meeting two of my friends from camp. I was so excited to see them again. Matthew and myself were playing a game while we waited. Where you selected a person out of a crowd and tried to guess their name, it’s so much fun and pass’s time. Finally they were within seconds away, as soon as I saw them I let out a high-pitched squeal of their name. I hadn’t seen them since January as you can imagine we had plenty to catch up on, but it felt like we were back at camp and nothing had changed! I’d missed them so much. The bond all of us had at camp cannot be broken by time, we’re a close but distant family that would do anything for each other. I love them all and couldn’t off asked for a better bunch of sisters. Sneezy, Tetley and myself headed to Ask Italian for lunch and a catch up. Later on we caught a taxi back to the hotel where we said the dreaded goodbye, which never gets easier! Sneezy and Tetley jumped out and Matthew jumped in and we were off to the airport to catch the fly home. I fell asleep on the plane and dribbled onto my wheelchair pillow. The best sleeps are always the one you dribble in, even if it’s not attractive! We landed in inverness and the London Blues began. Thank you to everyone. Who had a part to play in organising, the ultimate weekend in London. I cannot express how much fun I had and how many great memories I gained. Matthew thank you for sharing the weekend with me couldn’t of asked for a better companion! Lucy x
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 16:09:26 +0000

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