Day 3 of being Thankful Im thankful for...You all! I hinted this - TopicsExpress


Day 3 of being Thankful Im thankful for...You all! I hinted this yesterday but let me elaborate... Tammy LaSala Im thankful for your friendship and that the Lord allowed us to be family in Christ. Out of the thousands of people Ive talked with throughout the years, only a handful have shown faithfulness to the Lord and an eagerness to learn, grow, and please only the Lord the way you have shown. Im thankful to the Lord for drawing you closer to Him and that you will keep at it, and keep seeking to grow. Steph Hatton Im thankful to the Lord that He has given you as a sister to me and even more, drawn you closer to Him over the years. We werent close really growing up, but have talked more in recent years than...probably all our years growing up. I thank the Lord that Hell continue to draw you, grow you, teach you, and lead you into a ministry I know He has set for your future! Keep on growing, sis :) Gary Lloyd We havent talked TOO much, brother, but Im thankful we have indeed met. Youre a great encourager to others and I pray that the Lord continue to bless you and that He turn your eyes so much onto Him that you see absolutely nothing BUT Him! Thank you, brother. Shelia Bourg Im thankful to the Lord for both your friendship and family-ship :) Ive never actually stated this, but youve actually been the first person in my life who has taken time to ask what the Lord has shown me, and be interested in good discussion and true back and forth conversation in the things of the Lord. Thank you for being there for me, as a friend and family, and fellow labourer in Gods ministry! Leah Kullman Even though you ran away all the way to the best state in the country, Im thankful the Lord let us become friends :) Its never been a dull moment in our friendship and Ive been so glad to see you grow from the place you once were many years ago, to where you are now. And Im thankful to know that the Lord will continue to grow both you and Alex! Polo Tapia Brother, Im truly thankful the Lord has allowed us to meet. I still vividly remember that very first e-mail you sent me way back in I think 2002 (or was it even earlier??) and told me that you were wanting to start up God180 and would love to fellowship and share with me there. Im thankful for being a part of your family, and still am looking forward to meeting your biological family one day also! Im blessed to know such a compassionate brother such as yourself, who has a heart to help others like you do. Thank you, brother. Cherry Bourg Not much can be said, mom, in a way of saying Thank You for all youve done. Itd be hard to say and explain that. Im most thankful though for the Lord growing you over the recent years the way He has...though the devil would love to bring all manner of things and thoughts and discouragement against you, God has a better plan for you. I know that as you seek Him, Hell draw you through all of it and I cannot thank Him enough for that, and I cannot thank you enough, for all youve done throughout the years for me and others! Christa John Davidson I love you sis, and am thankful to be a brother to you. The Lord has brought you through quite a lot of things this past year that the devil has done to try to harden your heart. But, I trust and thank the Lord that it will backfire and your heart will be softer than years before instead of harder! Thank you for your love, I thank the Lord for you and thank you for all youve done as well. Shelly Rysewyk Dorshorst Im thankful to the Lord and to you, sister, for your friendship and being able to call you my sister as well. Over the years youve always been an encouragement to me, and in your encouragement, taught me things that I had forgotten or completely overlooked in regard to what the Lord had been doing for me. Thank you for being here for me. I thank the Lord that I have been blessed to know you and call you friend and family! Allen Beard Im thankful for you as well, brother. Over the few years that weve known each other....its been rough eh? I believe entirely its simply the enemy trying to stop what cannot be stopped. As I mentioned to you before, even during the rough times I knew it wouldnt last and things would be better. I thank the Lord for you as well, brother, and look forward to what He has in store for you! I am thankful as well, that He is growing you to where you will end up closer than ever before...with even more than what you had before in your walk. Were going to see that, arent we bro? :) Adam Goldston Im thankful to the Lord for you as well, brother. Im thankful for your persistence as well! Always be sure to be persistent in the things of the Lord and whew well see you sprint past the level you were at before, and well into new levels and relationship with the Lord! I thank the Lord that we met, and are friends and brothers. I look forward to the future and closer walks with the Lord! Karen Rasberry Im thankful for you as well, my friend and sister! We havent talked much, especially since we really lost contact entirely up until the recent years and finding each other on facebook! Yet Im very thankful to the Lord for you. I remember long ago that you had made a comment to me in school that you and others were encouraged because I always wore Christian shirts to school no matter what other people said or did to discourage it. You mentioned not long ago that I was an encouragement growing up, yet I dont know if I explained that you were a great encouragement to me as well! You were actually the very first Christian friend I had, and Im ever thankful for you. I still remember enjoying the comical, and spiritual, conversations we had when walking home from after mentoring at Broadmoore! I thank and praise the Lord that we are able to be in contact again, and that the Lord has kept you, and blessed you SO much. May He continue to bless you and Mark both, abundantly! Babs Pitout Im thankful to the Lord that He has allowed us to meet, be friends, and be family! Ill always remember the conversations weve had, and the struggles the Lord brought you all the way through victoriously, and continues to do today. You were always very open and honest regarding the things you were going through or struggling with or family situations and Ive been very blessed and humbled by such friendship, and family-ship! Nathan Walker Brother, Im thankful to the Lord for our friendship and being able to call one another Brother. When we first met many, many moons ago (sheesh, over a decade? Good thing while others age, were staying the same age, right? Lol) we didnt get to talk all too much, but in the recent years the Lord brought us together again. Im thankful to the Lord to see what He has been doing in your life and and moving you in ministry! I know were going to see more, amen? :) Thank you, brother, for your friendship! Thank you all, and if youre not listed here, dont worry, I am truly thankful to you as well and will let you know as well!
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 15:19:13 +0000

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