Day 3.......of my challenge of positive grateful things in my life - TopicsExpress


Day 3.......of my challenge of positive grateful things in my life that Tracie Poteet asked me do for 5 days and then to challenge 2 more people to continue. Today emotionally Im outside my comfort zone so that is when I go straight to Gods word The Bible. He always is with me on the mountain top or deep in the valley. His words and Spirit is where I fine comfort. I am very grateful for a wonderful lady Liz Rogers as one day she dropped bye to give me a verse from the Bible during one of those days of the valley. Psalm 118:17 I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord. Liz told me to replace I with my name. After she left that day I open to the verse where my moms name was already written. I realized that was the same promise I used to declare wellness for my mom which no one knew she had been sick and earthly doctors no longer could find any illness for ten years. It was gone. Shall doesnt mean maybe but its done. The Lord spoke to Liz and I will always love and be grateful to her. Jesus reports are the ones I believe and his word is the place to go. I challenge Sandy Bolin and Dawn Leggans Douglas
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 14:15:04 +0000

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