Day 3 warm up: alright my loves lets do a recap of what we have - TopicsExpress


Day 3 warm up: alright my loves lets do a recap of what we have talked about so far! Long post sorry :) WHAT is clean eating? • clean eating is consuming foods that are as close to natural as possible. WHY do we do this? •eating this way is one, healthier without all the chemicals they add while processing foods, and two, easy for our bodies to break down to use for fuel :) food is fuel my friends. That doesnt mean you shouldnt enjoy eating. I LOVE to eat :) HOW do we do this? •by choosing foods that are the closet to natural as possible. We READ the ingredients :) NOW :) a word to the wise. Clean eating is NOT a diet. I know, I know. Thats a shocker. It IS a lifestyle. DO NOT do this as a way to lose weight. Do this as a way to LIVE healthier. Focus on that aspect and everything else will fall in line. What I can PROMISE you is that you WILL feel better once you get all the crap out of your diet. And by crap, I mean freezer meals, refined sugar, sodas, meals that come in boxes etc. Does that mean that eating clean isnt yummy? NO!!! There is a healthy way to make most EVERYTHING! From pancakes to ice cream :) (and hopefully Alfredo sauce ;)) and like anything it takes time and practice to get good at recognizing the bad and putting in the good! I can also promise you you will fail at least once. But HEAR ME when I say THAT IS OKAY!!! We all fail at one time or the other BUT when you fail this time you are going to get up, admit that what you ate wasnt the best, and then make a BETTER choice next time. NO GUILT. Guilt has NO place here. Do I need to repeat that? Guilt has NO place here. We are all learning. Okay okay. Ill stop for now :) but BELIEVE me when I say YOU CAN DO THIS. Stick doubt in a closet, lean on me and whoever brought you here, build community, love and encourage the others in the group and strive to be the best you you can be for the next week and a half. Thats all we ask. Love you all!
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 13:09:49 +0000

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