Day 30: Re-Purposing Content: Realtime Illustration Using God’s - TopicsExpress


Day 30: Re-Purposing Content: Realtime Illustration Using God’s Favor Today, dig deeper into the example covered on the podcast. Really wrap your brain around this! 1. Idea I begin with a product I wanted to promote. Soar to the Top: How to Unleash the Favor of God in Your Life & Calling. 2. Blog Post Next I wrote a 400-word blog post entitled, “Favor of God: 7 Ways to Invite God’s Favor Into Your Life & Calling.” I used Yoest SEO to rework it until I got the green light telling me the search engines will like the post. NOTE: Have someone on fiverr install the plug-in Wordpress SEO by Joost de Valk. Also called Yoast SEO. (If you know how to do install plug-ins, do it yourself.) I would not dream of blogging without this plug-in. It literally teaches you how to blog! This is the most comprehensive overview of how to optimize a post for search engines you will ever find: https://yoast/articles/wordpress-seo/ 3. Infographic I chose one key point from the blog post and turned it into an infographic using Chisel: “Nothing attracts the favor of God like the unfairness of man.” 4. Submit to Google+ I used my own website’s social share button. I added this: “Does life seem unfair? God has the answer.” Hashtag: God. 5. Submit to social bookmarking sites I submitted it to Digg and Stumbleupon, adding a description and choosing appropriate categories for classification. (By the way, I have removed these buttons from my blog because I have since learned that they can affect load times, which hurts your page ranking in search engines) It’s a tiny bit more work, but how hard is it to go to these two sites to submit your blog? digg/submit stumbleupon/submit Very few people will go to the bother of submitting their blog. So be ahead of the pack by doing it every week. 6. Send to Aweber elist The email to my Aweber list went out with the headline, “Are you facing an unfair situation? Whether in your personal or professional life?” The email itself was very short. I reiterated the question then said. “God has an answer. Find out what it is: It’s very important for you to communicate with your list when your only goal is to be helpful, to bless, to add value. If all you ever do is advance your own agenda, your “open rates” will plummet. 7. Post on LinkedIn For LinkedIn, I rephrased it specifically with professionals in mind: “Are you facing an unfair situation in your career? Here are 7 ways faith can help you handle it. 8. Tweet on Twitter I turned it into a simple question with a hashtag: “Frustrated by an unfair situation? The #favorofGod can turn it around. Learn how: 9. Post on Facebook I put up a variety of posts related to favor throughout the week. The original blog post immediately re-posted to Facebook. I also let the Aweber email go to my Facebook feed. Posted a question: “What’s the #1 effective way you’ve found to respond to an unfair situation?” Posted a statement: Diligence + Honor = Favor with God and man #favorofGod My daughter posted a photo of an incredible dessert tray we received as a free gift from the restaurant manager and tagged me in it: This is what favor looks like, yall. — with Leah Partow and Donna M Power-Partow 10. Article Directory All that remains is for me to see if I can turn it into an article. Not every blog post lends itself well to the article directories, but I will explore that. And it should only need a tiny bit of tweaking. The main thing I’ll need is a great resource box. The sentence that says, “ And now, I’d like to invite you to receive my free 1-hour podcast on Unleashing the Favor of God in Your life. (Which was the free teleseminar that launched the 21 day class on Favor.) Assignments Make a quality decision about which Social Media networks deserve your time and attention. Decide, in advance, how much time you plan to give each day to those Social Media networks — then stick with it. Be intentional about repurposing your Monday Blog Post for maximum impact. Stay on message, so it gets out to your tribe effectively. If you haven’t done so already, install (or have someone install) the Yoast SEO plug-in. What a game-changer! If you are a tech geek or your brain isn’t already exploding, check out Buffer. This article compares Hootsuite & Buffer. I actually use both: bigfishmarket/social-media-smackdown-hootsuite-vs-buffer/ Use Hootsuite in “batches” to post your own original content, which can be a combination of informative and inspirational. Use Buffer in “batches” to post helpful information you find as you surf the internet.
Posted on: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 12:27:32 +0000

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