Day 32 - Saturday, May 10th Tours - Sorigny: 23km In - TopicsExpress


Day 32 - Saturday, May 10th Tours - Sorigny: 23km In serious doubt Yesterday evening I visited the Basilique de Saint Martin de Tours. I was hit by an illuminating and at the same time very disturbing insight: I felt that I reached my destiny! I was shocked. You have to know that my reasons to walk Le Chemin is rather particular (or not): it is not so much to reach Santiago de Compostelle as a final destination--it is for me to walk the Camino, my camino. Hence Rays Camino; to find loutering and verdieping (sorry -- cant find the English words right now) of who I am, what is my purpose, my Personal Legend (as Paolo Coelho says in The Alchemist) and what do I want to do with who I am and this personal legend. So, pretty easy and straight-forward, isnt it? :-) The last 32 days were unique and really once in a lifetime. It brought me new connections, new experiences, new perspectives and new insights. In short, I found this experience extraordinary, and I feel very, very lucky and gratefull! Before I tell you how deal with this serious doubt, let me tell you a little story :-) This morning I still was struggling with this doubt. I already saw myself at the TGV back home. But ... In times of doubt, I have learnt to reflect, not to make any decisions, and at the same time keep on moving (cause idleness is the devils pillow, isnt it? :-)). So, I planned my next destination (Sorigny) and called an auberge for this evening. Oui Bonjour. Je mapelle Raymond. Je suis un pelerin de St Jacques et je cherche a me loger ce soir Ah, bien sur, mon ami, she says with delight and a spontaneous natural warmth. It filled my fragile heart. Vous venez de ou? La Haye, Pays Bas. Vous le connaissez? Bien sur. Vous etes deja longtemps a Le Chemin, nest pas? Alors, nous sommes tres heureux que vous avez nous choissi. A tout a lheure, Raymond. Je mapelle Marie Therese. These little things are so ... Encouraging. Well, I dont know yet to be honest (about this doubt). I leave it as it is. I keep on moving. And after a few days I will ask myself three simple questions: Does it make sense to me? Do I have fun? And ... How do I feel about stopping NOW? Route: Tours Saint Averrin Veigne Sorigny The pics of the Fruits and Cheeses At the market? -- Things that make me happy! The last one is an example of how simple things can be so ... exquisite when just only made with love & care (this came to me in a simple pizzeria, Le Piccata, at Place des Halles, Tours).
Posted on: Sat, 10 May 2014 18:28:18 +0000

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