Day 33 O Cádavo Baleira to Lugo. 31km hiked today through - TopicsExpress


Day 33 O Cádavo Baleira to Lugo. 31km hiked today through undulating terrain. Its hard to wake early in the morning now as its dark until around 8am or later and daylight savings times havnt changed yet. Plus this morning was super cold as well as windy. And not long after we set off it started eaining too, so wet weather gear was quickly put on. We also set off through a hunting area with lots of guns firing away. Not the most comfortable walking conditions. Along the way we got called into the barn of an older local guy who makes wood carvings for a hobby. They werent my style but there were humdreds of them. Pretty impressive and relys on pilgrims to buy his products. The whole rest of the way was in rain but I didnt care as I was already so excited about my rest day in Lugo tomorrow. We all had a big group dinner to say goodbye to many fellow pilgrims making different plans at this larger town where there are bus services. We also tried pulpo (octopus) which is purple in Galicia and the speciality of the region. It was great and I had heaps more food to replenish my energy supplies. The city was also celebrating a festival for the saint of the city and there were heaps of free concerts, light shows projected on buildings and other events. It was great timing to be in the city at this time however we had to be back at 10pm as thats the time the municipal Albergue closes which is not great. Tomorrow night we will join in the festival some more as well stay in private accomodation. Something I havnt mentioned before however has come up quite a lot on my Camino was seeing and meeting people resembling (by looks) mostly significant people that have come into or are currently in my life. Quite extraordinary really. And when I mentioned this a few days ago to my new friends some had similar experiences as well. This has happened not once or twice but many times. Maybe around 8 times or so. One the other hand I have been told I resemble different people to others, sometimes significant but also frequently TV or movie personalities. For example two separate women have mentioned that I reminded them of ex-boyfriends. That was funny. One in both looks and personality traits and the other some looks and many positive personality traits as well. Fascinating really and I cant really explain it other than I believe were all interconnected and its a way of prompting or perhaps resolving things between certain people or just simply a reminder of the past or current connections Ive had with these people. Yay fir my first real rest day in weeks! Ive also just finished my next Blog #15 My Experience of 2XU Run Group & How it Helps Keep me Mentally Well carlo1000kcamino.blogspot/2014/10/15-my-experience-of-2xu-run-group-how.html For the rest of my blogs go to #carlo1000kcamino #2xu
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 09:07:28 +0000

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