.Day 334 of the CFR organized illegal treasonous legislation of - TopicsExpress


.Day 334 of the CFR organized illegal treasonous legislation of their agenda fronts called the IMF and UN both created in 1940 for just such security of investment the CFR a private club of 1300 billionaire members with a roster of 300 actively involved in laying legislative plans for their investment ventures. Utilising assetts their families had stole or extorted over the last 200 years. They manufacture all the tanks planes bombs missiles guns vehicles to move this murder equipment around. So they require constant mass murdering attacks by underpaid psychotics they call war 24/7. As they are ravenously greedy and obsessed with removal of wealth to all others than their genocidal club they call the house of rothschild. An investment portfolio scam created in 1768 by mayer amschell bauer a 16 year old member of the notorious bauers of franfurt the most self centered evil to others family in all of Europe for 400 years at that point the family is first referenced in 1320 as John Bauer becomes the first alchemist credited converting lead to gold, obviously a scam but it only got worse there over 160 substantiated evidence books on this subject over the last 250 years that i have a copy of. Call your senator and representative, demand they halt all weather modification programs and all tax funding, of this despotic, ill conceived, madness. Demand all dual passport holders in our government be removed from office and investigated for violation of oath, treason. Abolish the CFR arrest all members for conspiracy and tax evasion. Arrest all at CFRs creation the IMF and UN for operating under an illegal charter, a treasonous offense, only sovereign nations can be granted a charter, not groups, clubs, or people. Militia secure our borders.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 19:10:20 +0000

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