Day 362 The Family Altar December 28 I have loved - TopicsExpress


Day 362 The Family Altar December 28 I have loved you, saith the Lord. Yet ye say, Wherein hast thou loved us? Was not Esau Jacobs brother? saith the Lord: yet I loved Jacob, And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness.(Malachi 1:2-3) You will never be an Angel. God made Angels, but God made man. And what God does is off of God, which is as eternal as God is. And mans just as eternal as his Creator, because he was made from eternity. But sin has an end. Suffering has an end. Therefore, there cannot be an eternal hell. Theres a hell, fire and brimstone; we know that. But theres no eternal hell. Theres only one type of Eternal Life and that belongs to God. If youre to suffer forever, you got Eternal Life. Hell has an end; it may be billions of years, but itll finally come to an end. The Bible doesnt say anywhere that they suffered eternally, said, Forever and forever. Jonah thought he was in the belly of the whale forever too. Forever has a distance or time limit, but eternal is perpetual. It has no beginning or end. Its like a ring, a circle, and as our time moves on, were only revolving around the great motives of God. Gods motive was to make man in His image to fellowship with Him. And He made him a tangible being. Now, sin brought us into a place of corruption, but that never stops the program of God. And sinner friend today, if youre not borned again of the Spirit of God, you have an end somewhere. And your end is chaos, in ruin, and suffering, and misery. But to you who have believed on the Lord Jesus and accepted the same as your personal Saviour, its just as eternal as God is eternal. You have no end, I give unto them eternal Zoe (Gods own Life), and they will never perish or come into the judgment even, buts passed from death unto Life.Thats what He was. Thats what He come for. Now, Jesus in His coming of His priesthood, did not come just for sympathys sake. Many people teach it like that, that He come saying, Well, maybe if I suffer, I will be a pitiful sight, and people will surely come to Me. Thats an error. Theres no Scripture for that. For every person that ever will be saved, God knew them before the world was ever formed. The Bible said so. Gods not willing now that anybody should perish; He wants them all to come to repentance. But being God, by foreknowledge He knew it. Look in Romans the 9th chapter. Paul was holding up there, saying that about the elect of God, that Esau and Jacob, before either baby was borned or anything, God said that He knew them, and He hated Esau and loved Jacob, before either boy had a chance to express their gratitude, for He was God. Hes infinite. If Hes infinite, He knowed every flea, every fly, every gnat. Everything thatd ever be on the earth, He knew it. Hes the infinite, eternal, immortal, blessed God, omnipotent, omnipresent,omniscient. Theres nothing that He doesnt know. Thats the reason He can tell what the end will be. He knowed the end from the beginning. Daily Reading: 2 Kings 22, Song of Solomon 5, Malachi 1, Revelation 19
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 23:38:27 +0000

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