Day 4 Gratitude: 1) that I started a Gratitude journal last - TopicsExpress


Day 4 Gratitude: 1) that I started a Gratitude journal last October,and have written in it almost daily since then.EVERYONE should try this. There is always something to write. Even in the most challenging times. How about I woke up this morning, and breathe easily when you focus on ONLY the positive it is life changing. Alright, Im getting on my soap box for a minute, here goes: I have no more patience for people talking ALL the time about their ailments, financial troubles, relationships, annoyance at how other people live their lives, car trouble, hate their job, etc etc. we all slip up & a complaint pops out, but I mean people who just live for the drama and sympathy. Do you ever think maybe by focusing on it you are asking for more? Like a magnet? This is not to say we all dont have challenges, and an occasional share of a challenge to our encouraging friends so they can send some positive vibes, prayers, etc our way is fine, we all need each other. But I mean the ones who get stuck there... Like a broken record. what a difference it makes to put a positive spin on it. You may have to get creative but its there if you look. And if you think of me, well she seems pretty happy, her life cant be that difficult, I have been through ALOT of things that would crush some people. It doesnt make me better than anyone, but it means Im strong and continually making the CHOICE to move forward. To laugh anyway, to make the best of it, to keep believing, to never give up. And hopefully to enjoy who and what I do have I this very moment. A work in progress for sure. Stepping off soapbox. 2). A reliable car 3) my ability to read music, to sing and to appreciate the magic of voices in harmony.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 12:22:57 +0000

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