Day 4 and Five of the challenge come early, as I am not going to - TopicsExpress


Day 4 and Five of the challenge come early, as I am not going to have access for a couple of days: Day 4 1. This is a charcoal drawing of a sparkly sandal. It was an all-day still life in charcoal, and we had to work and work at the same drawing without paper change. Really push the charcoal. It was several years ago on a Foundation Art Course at CityLit in London. Several other shoes involved, but this is a close up. 2. The famous bridge over the Great Ouse in St. Ives, Cambs. This bridge has a chapel on it, and I think is the only one in the country. As so, it is frequently painted, and very recognisable. I did this from a combination of memory and photographs, from the cafe at the foot of the bridge. It is not the most usual view. I used to live near here ( until March 2014), and meet my friend each week in this cafe. I miss it and her a great deal. Thank goodness for skype and Facebook. 3. The changing of the guard at Horseguards Parade. I was doing a 2-day art course at The Mall Galleries, and we were out painting ( and looking like zoo animals as a tourist attraction) in St. James Park. As I packed up at midday, the guard change happened. I couldnt draw it there and then, as they were really moving too fast. So, I went back to the Mall Gallery to get my lunch, sat down with an A3 piece of paper and some huge marker pens, and roughed this out quickly. I was most amused by the police at front and rear, shouting at the tourists to get out of the way. I rather thought the soldiers could do their own defence work ! I nominate Ml Olivier to pick up the baton
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 23:01:06 +0000

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