Day 4, had enough! Its horrid, sorry but it is. I am being as true - TopicsExpress


Day 4, had enough! Its horrid, sorry but it is. I am being as true to this challenge as is humanly possible, I am not transfering to the sofa or chairs, I am in this seat (or the car seat if driving) from the time I get up to the time I go to sleep on the sofa, I am using the wee bottles and the special toilet chair (with the arms taken off to fit my butt in) for the other and showering and I dont know how the guys cope long term. I have been grouchy and short tempered and so has the wife as she works hard enough catering for little doms needs and I am just adding to them. We planned to do three things today, simple things that should not have been a problem; A dry run of the kids school run, a trip to the park and a visit to the dentist, nothing mega complicated or special! Well we got to the dentist 3 minutes late as the car park I had found on google had a 2m height bar on it and as our mobility wagon is somewhat higher i had to go a searching for off street parking some way away. Anyway, we get there and see the steps, not a flight of giants steps but just 10 inches of rise, so Carol goes in to politely ask for ramp only to e met with an abrupt, NAME? an then the info that we were late and the dentist had gone home, no info about access or alternative doors, just a bad tempered lady venting her anger for the fake disabled guy and his genuinely disabled son to listen to outside, it made me cross and made lil dom feel like shit. BUT, like I said to dom after, she is just a person and people can be a pain, upset you, annoy you but if you let them govern how you feel then you are doomed to live a very unhappy life, in or out a chair. We all shuffled off down the road and did some shopping, Carol popped in some charity shops while I waited outside, old toys and ladies clothing isnt my thing! lil dom comes out, visibly angry as he had been asked to move so someone could get past, which is fine, but then the clerk said sorry about that to the lady who went by, as dom quite rightly said, I am not a that that needs apologizing for! this only minutes after angry pants at the dentist was shaping up to be a not so great afternoon. SO I had spotted a shop that looked like it was our cup of tea, neon lights, RC things and cheap toys & gadgets...but on getting 2ft in the door we see the steps...out we go and now me and carol are explaining to dom that many places cant be accessible due to building regs and such but we needed something to take the edge off this faliure of a trip out and then we spotted a pet store, a small independent (I think) and we went in to buy bugs for the hungry lizard at home. Lots of room and animals to cheer the kids up...phew. Back to the car I again had to use a leg to stop me sliding into the road, again due to sloping pavements. If I become king I am going to make it law that the whole world be covered in supermaret style flooring! We went to the playpark after this,( its great, adapted things for all sorts of disabilities and we had some fun, took some pics and played! Dom even found that he could be really kind to his sister and pull her round one of the roundabouts in his chair at a speed she likes. His sisters deal with all his problems so well, they handle the tantrums and act with absolute maturity even at times of great stress. They are his best friends, his rocks and his greatest allies in this world. We drove past a park today and they all shouted, PARK! and Georgia (6) said, we cant go there as it isnt accessible. - amazing! I am digressing, this week is about me finding out how it feels to be little dom, in some small way. I wont be naming and shaming anyone along the way, we are a family of consumers at the end of the day and if i find an outlet that does not cater for our needs I will go find one that does. Day 4 is all but over and tomorrow I am out with the wife for a night out, that should be interesting! I never expected to enjoy this experience but I also never expected to not enjoy it as much as I am. I will never take my body for granted again after this. Oh yeah, we planned three things for today, we did two as everything takes ages with me slowing us down, dom is a pro but I am a bumbling idiot in my chair. Thanks again everyone for giving so much, it will be spent wisely on things to help dom and the girls.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 20:47:49 +0000

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