Day 4 of the #justbepresent yoga challenge is Ubhaya - TopicsExpress


Day 4 of the #justbepresent yoga challenge is Ubhaya Padangusthasana which is translated to Both Big Toe Pose. It is a seated posture in which both toes are held while balancing on the sitting bones of the buttocks. There are a number of ways you can begin this posture. I chose To start by laying down on my mat and and bringing both legs up and over my head to the floor. Reach your arms back and grasp the big toes with your first two fingers and thumbs. If you cannot reach the toes, try grasping your ankles or the back of calves. Alternatively, use a strap to extend your reach (you may notice that I am holding on to the sides of my feet in the video). Your arms are kind of acting as bow strings creating tension to help you lift up. Inhale as you roll up. The chin is tucked as you roll on a rounded spine. Initiate the roll by leading with your navel. The tricky part is learning to stop at the balance point having enough momentum to make it up but not so much that you crash. It helps to exhale at the exact moment that you come up and hit the balance point. Hold and be present in the pose for five long breaths with ease and equinamity. @kinoyoga @beachyogagirl @aloyoga
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 04:49:46 +0000

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