Day 4 update. Today was a day of huge gains and sobering - TopicsExpress


Day 4 update. Today was a day of huge gains and sobering revelations. First, as I posted earlier, Tracy surprised, and I do mean surprised me with a wake up call at 7:30 this morning. It was amazing to hear her speaking full sentences as clear as a bell. When we got to her room she was smiling, her color looked great as she was munching on a food tray. Her infectious disease Doctor then brought us down to earth to inform us that we still had issues to be concerned about. Seizures. Her latest EEG revealed no such seizure activity, but since she has had meningitis seizures are a possibility. Precautions are being taken but its just one of those things. Therefore if I may burden you once again, please pray for Gods hedge of protection around her pretty little head. Then Dr. Merriman, (my new best friend) came in. She too was very excited to see how Tracy had progressed. I stopped her in Tracys room, I grabbed her by the hand, and began to pray to God, thinking him for putting her in Tracys path. I prayed that God would rain down uncontainable blessing upon her and all the MICU and E.R. staff at Grandview. Its a first for me. I have never prayed with and for a Doctor before. During the afternoon she continued to improve even though she was still experiencing pain. Her dear friend Rachel stopped by and that really lifted her spirits. So, thats it for today. Im off to bed soon, but once again my sincere thanks goes out for your concern, thoughts and prayers. We are all members of the family of God. May Gods Peace be with you tonight. Talk to you tomorrow.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 01:18:56 +0000

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